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Pathogen Class__
Pathogen Class
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-50 | Varro | Postulated that invisible animalcules caused some diseases. | Chase | Causation | General | Details |
30 | Columella | Speculated that fever may be caused in some way by marsh insects. | Dowel | Miscellany | General | Details |
1000 | Avicenna | Probably recognized the presence of a worm in what became known as guinea-worm disease. | Grove | Miscellany | Helminths | Details |
1010 | Avicenna | Wrote medical text that included mention of various parasitic worms. | Campillo | Miscellany | Helminths | Details |
1150 | Avenzoar | Wrote a description of the itch mite. | Campillo | Miscellany | General | Details |
1200 | Anon. | Described liver-rot in sheep, and the presence of a fluke. | Andrews | Miscellany | Helminths | Details |
1347 | Anon. | Military attempts to spread bubonic plague illustrate belief in contagion. | Waller | Miscellany | General | Details |
1379 | Brie | Recorded his observation of liver fluke in sheep. | Touratier | Miscellany | Helminths | Details |
1546 | Fracastoro | Wrote that diseases were caused by invisible seminaria (seeds). | Bullock | Causation | General | Details |
1646 | Kircher | Theorized that contagion was due to invisible living bodies. | Chase | Causation | General | Details |
1650 | Hauptmann | Held that death results from invisible animalcules in body of humans and other animals. | Wilson | Causation | General | Details |
1650 | Langius | Allegedly espoused idea of invisible living things as cause of syphilis. | Kobler | Causation | General | Details |
1656 | Borel | Recorded ideas about "worms" in blood and decaying matter, but without evidence. | Dowel | Miscellany | General | Details |
1658 | Kircher | Recorded remarks which some have taken to imply discovery of protozoa or bacteria. | Dowel | Miscellany | General | Details |
1665 | Boghurst | Held that plague was caused by many minute corpuscles. | Wilson | Causation | General | Details |
1665 | Diemerbroeck | Suggested that plague was a venom propagated like yeast, but in the air. | Wilson | Causation | General | Details |
1665 | Hooke | Described a fossilized foraminiferan (large protozoon) in sand, and understood it as a microscopic life form. | Bardell | Miscellany | General | Details |
1668 | Redi | Showed that maggots did not develop in meat protected from flies. | Grove | Miscellany | General | Details |
1674 | Leeuwenhoek | Observed and reported animalcules in lake water, and what were probably coccidian oocysts and trematode ova in mammalian bile. | Foster | Microscopy | General | Details |
1675 | Leeuwenhoek | Observed and reported animalcules in rainwater, canal water, etc. | Garrison | Microscopy | Protozoa | Details |
1676 | Leeuwenhoek | Reported existence of free-living microorganisms that were probably bacteria. | Brock (1961) | Microscopy | Bacteria | Details |
1680 | Leeuwenhoek | Observed and recorded what were probably parasitic protozoa, in gut of horse-fly. | Foster | Microscopy | Protozoa | Details |
1681 | Leeuwenhoek | Observed and reported protozoa (Giardia) and bacteria in diarrheic human feces. | Foster | Microscopy | Protozoa | Details |
1683 | Leeuwenhoek | a. Reported the presence of protozoa and bacteria in the feces of frogs. | Foster | Miscellany | Bacteria | Details |
1683 | Leeuwenhoek | b. Described microorganisms (probably bacteria) in the scurf of human teeth. | Brock (1961) | Microscopy | Bacteria | Details |
1683 | Slare | Slare (also called Slear) linked animalcules, theoretically, to cattle plague. | Dobell | Causation | General | Details |
1684 | Abercromby | Proposed that syphilis was caused by a parasite. | Garrison & Morton | Causation | General | Details |
1687 | Bonomo | Reported parasitic (acarine) causation of scabies. | Garrison | Causation | General | Details |
1698 | Bidloo | Reported eggs of liver-fluke, Fasciola hepatica. | Grove | Miscellany | Helminths | Details |
1699 | Hartsoeker | Postulated transmission of intestinal worms by ingestion of eggs shed in feces. | Grove | Causation | Helminths | Details |
1700 | Andry | Published book arguing that all parasitic worms came from seed (eggs) in the external environment. | Grove | Miscellany | Helminths | Details |
1701 | Andry | Proposed microbial causation of disease. | Lee | Miscellany | General | Details |
1701 | Rivinus | Wrote that most diseases were caused by mites and minute worms (pathologia animata). | Garrison | Causation | General | Details |
1708 | Leeuwenhoek | Observed and reported microbes in "fur" scraped from human tongue during fever. | Dobel | Miscellany | Protozoa | Details |
1710 | Joblot | Boiled infusions remain free of microorganisms. | Lechevalier | Miscellany | General | Details |
1718 | Bradley | Recorded specificity of blight disease of plants. | Wilson | Causation | Fungi | Details |
1718 | Lancisi | Postulated a role for the mosquito (and perhaps animalcules) in malaria. | Ackernecht | Miscellany | General | Details |
1720 | Marten | Marten (or Martin) published elaborate speculation that minute living creatures or animalcula may cause tuberculosis (phthisis). | Wilson | Causation | General | Details |
1721 | Bradley | a. Recorded elaborate speculation on causation of disease by air-borne organisms. | Wilson | Causation | General | Details |
1721 | Bradley | b. Postulated that parasitic worms must enter the human body by inhalation or ingestion. | Wilson | Miscellany | Helminths | Details |
1725 | Vallisnieri | Espoused idea of animate contagion. | Wilson | Causation | General | Details |
1727 | Hales | Suggested transmission of hop mildew by small seeds. | Ainsworth | Causation | Fungi | Details |
1728 | duHamel | Found fungus causing root disease of saffron plant. | Parris | Causation | Fungi | Details |
1733 | Vallisnieri | Reintroduced concept of living contagion. | Wilson | Causation | General | Details |
1743 | Needham | Discovered that grains of smutty wheat consisted of masses of worms. | Parris | Causation | Helminths | Details |
1748 | Arderon | Published illustration of superficial fungal infection on fish. | Ainsworth | Miscellany | Fungi | Details |
1748 | Needham | Reported experiments in support of doctrine of spontaneous generation. | Garrison | Miscellany | General | Details |
1755 | Tillet | Reported experimental evidence of the contagiousness of wheat bunt. | Ainsworth | Causation | Fungi | Details |
1755 | Weszpremi | Proposed prevention of plague by inoculation. | Garrison | Immunology | Bacteria | Details |
1761 | Astruc | Reported, but dismissed, the theories of others concerning causation of syphilis by invisible living things. | Kobler | Causation | General | Details |
1762 | Plenciz | Proposed living contagion with a specific verminous seed for each disease. | Garrison | Causation | General | Details |
1766 | Spallanzani | Reported absence of animalcules in heated, sealed infusions. | Grove | Miscellany | General | Details |
1767 | Clarke | Contagiousness of puerperal fever. | Garrison | Causation | Bacteria | Details |
1767 | Fontana | Reported microscopic plant as cause of rust in wheat. | Ainsworth | Causation | Fungi | Details |
1767 | Linnaeus | Recorded parasitic nematode in wheat disease. | Parris | Causation | Helminths | Details |
1767 | Targioni-Tozzetti | Reported microscopic plant as cause of rust in wheat. | Ainsworth | Causation | Fungi | Details |
1774 | Jesty | Began inoculation with cow-pox to prevent smallpox. | Garrison | Immunology | Viruses | Details |
1775 | Anon. | Plant Virola sp. used by natives of French Guiana to treat thrush. | Joyce | Miscellany | Fungi | Details |
1777 | Scopoli | Recorded parasitic nematode in cereal disease. | Parris | Causation | Helminths | Details |
1781 | Pallas | Reported an attempt to infect dogs with tapeworm by parenteral injection of tapeworm eggs. | Grove | Miscellany | Helminths | Details |
1782 | Bloch | Published detailed arguments in support of Spontaneous Generation for parasitic worms. | Grove | Miscellany | Helminths | Details |
1782 | Goeze | Published arguments in support of Spontaneous Generation in parasitic worms. | Grove | Miscellany | Helminths | Details |
1786 | Wichmann | Discussed parasitic origin of scabies. | Garrison | Causation | General | Details |
1790 | Abildgaard | Reported tapeworm in ducks after feeding them the intermediate host (fish) harboring the larval stage. | Grove | Miscellany | Helminths | Details |
1791 | Plett | Used cowpox inoculation to prevent smallpox. | Garrison | Causation | Viruses | Details |
1798 | Jenner | Reported the use of cowpox inoculation for the prevention of smallpox in humans. | Brock (1961) | Immunology | Viruses | Details |
1799 | Steinbuch | Recorded parasitic nematodes in disease of grain. | Parris | Causation | Helminths | Details |
1800 | Anon. | Many attempts in early years of Century to make achromatic objectives. | Bradbury | Microscopy | General | Details |
1800 | Cruikshank | Purified water by chlorination in England. | Garrison | Miscellany | General | Details |
1800 | Gooch | Contagiousness of puerperal fever. | Carter | Causation | Bacteria | Details |
1800 | Jenner | Published claim that cowpox vaccination had been validated and had the potential to eradicate smallpox from the world. | Anon. | Immunology | Viruses | Details |
1800 | Moreau | Purified water by chlorination in France. | Garrison | Miscellany | General | Details |
1800 | Orth | Proposed, in about this year, the contagiousness of puerperal fever. | Carter | Causation | Bacteria | Details |
1800 | Waterhouse | Introduced vaccination to New England. | Garrison | Immunology | General | Details |
1801 | Baud | Publicized organic concept of fermentation. | Anon. | Miscellany | General | Details |
1802 | Anon. | British government ordered measures to protect welfare of factory apprentices. | Anon. | Miscellany | General | Details |
1802 | Anon. | Gave dramatic example of epidemic devastation. | McNeill | Miscellany | General | Details |
1802 | Anon. | Vaccination institute founded in Berlin. | Anon. | Immunology | General | Details |
1802 | Brown | Vaccinated 500 people in Kentucky. | McNeill | Immunology | General | Details |
1802 | Pinel | Published Nosographie philosophique. | Bullock | Miscellany | General | Details |
1802 | Thenard | Described yeast-like substance in fruit juice fermentation. | Lechevalier | Miscellany | General | Details |
1803 | Anon. | Doctors from Spain reached Mexico to teach vaccination | McNeill | Immunology | General | Details |
1803 | Anon. | Offered prize for fermentation work. | Anon. | Miscellany | General | Details |
1803 | Winterbottom | Described sleeping sickness in West Africa. | Major | Miscellany | Protozoa | Details |
1804 | Zinke | Reported first experimental transmission of rabies from animal to animal (dog to rabbit). | Norman | Causation | Viruses | Details |
1805 | Anon. | Used Jenner's smallpox vaccine on people near the Chinese border. | Anon. | Immunology | General | Details |
1805 | Napoleon | Ordered vaccination of all troops. | McNeill | Immunology | General | Details |
1806 | Malthus | Warned against smallpox vaccination. | Garrison & Morton | Miscellany | General | Details |
1807 | Anon. | Doctors from Spain moved on from Mexico to Philippines to teach vaccination. | McNeill | Immunology | General | Details |
1807 | Anon. | Royal College of Physicians (Britain) declared vaccination safer than variolation. | Anon. | Immunology | General | Details |
1807 | Anon. | Vaccination made compulsory in Bavaria. | Anon. | Immunology | General | Details |
1807 | Prevost | Reported that bunt or smut of wheat was caused by microscopic "spores" of fungi. | Ainsworth | Causation | Fungi | Details |
1807 | van Deyl | Made achromatic objective. | Bradbury | Microscopy | General | Details |
1808 | Gaspard | Began injecting putrid materials and body fluids into animals, causing acute disease and death. | Norman | Causation | General | Details |
1808 | Marzoli | Began making achromatic lenses, using cemented doublets. | Bradbury | Microscopy | General | Details |
1809 | Anon. | Invention of canning for food preservation; sterilization without germ theory. | McNeill | Miscellany | General | Details |
1810 | Anon. | Vaccination made compulsory in Sweden. | Anon. | Immunology | General | Details |
1810 | Appert | Book on preservation of meat and vegetables by heating to boiling temperature in sealed bottles. | Norman | Miscellany | General | Details |
1810 | Frauenhofer | At approximately this time, made achromatic objectives by combining achromatic doublets. | Bradbury | Microscopy | General | Details |
1810 | Gay-Lussac | Reported results of his studies on the chemistry of fermentation. | Bullock | Miscellany | General | Details |
1810 | Rudolphi | Published book supporting spontaneous generation of parasitic worms. | Grove | Miscellany | Helminths | Details |
1811 | Brewster | Suggested the use of gem stones in making simple microscopes, because of their higher refractive index. | Bradbury | Microscopy | General | Details |
1812 | Anon. | Pamphlets on vaccination distributed by Russian authorities to distant territories such as Samarkand. | McNeill | Immunology | General | Details |
1812 | Anon. | The Society of Apothecaries unsuccessfully petitioned the British Parliament for the official recognition of midwives. | Williams | Miscellany | General | Details |
1812 | Parkinson | Published first report in English of death resulting from a perforated appendix. | Norman | Miscellany | General | Details |
1812 | Wollaston | Improved the simple microscope. | Bradbury | Microscopy | General | Details |
1813 | Brewster | Suggested immersion of front element of objective in the fluid in which the object is placed. | Bradbury | Microscopy | General | Details |
1813 | Knight | Suggested that mildew or rust of wheat was caused by a "minute species of parasitical fungus." | Doetsch | Causation | Fungi | Details |
1814 | Mease | Reported observations on natural transmission of Texas Cattle Fever. | Roncalli | Causation | General | Details |
1815 | Mayer | With Emmett, reported a fungal infection (apparently aspergillosis) in a bird. | Rippon | Causation | Fungi | Details |
1816 | Anon. | In 1816-18 British troops carried cholera to Afghanistan and Nepal. | McNeill | Miscellany | General | Details |
1816 | Scholer | Transmitted rust from barberry bush to rye by inoculation of spores. | Ainsworth | Causation | Fungi | Details |
1817 | Anon. | Cholera breaks out of India, due to new transport routes. | McNeill | Miscellany | General | Details |
1817 | Nitzsch | Saw resemblance between cercariae and trematodes. | Grove | Miscellany | Helminths | Details |
1817 | Pelletier | Isolated emetine as active alkaloid of ipecac. | Norman | Miscellany | General | Details |
1818 | Bojanus | Observed that cercariae come from rediae within snails. | Grove | Miscellany | Helminths | Details |
1819 | Anon. | Official is abused for diagnosing Yellow Fever. | Rosenberg | Miscellany | General | Details |
1819 | Bizio | Said that red spots on corn mush were masses of microscopic fungi. Named them Serratia marcescens. | Chase | Miscellany | Fungi | Details |
1819 | Bremser | Published book supporting spontaneous generation of parasitic worms. | Grove | Miscellany | Helminths | Details |
1819 | Melo | Concluded that red spots on corn mush were not supernatural, but rather the result of fermentation. | Chase | Miscellany | General | Details |
1819 | Rudolphi | Described larvae of Drancunculus. | Grove | Miscellany | Helminths | Details |
1820 | Anon. | From this time on, glass slides of approximately 3" x 1" began to replace other bases for object preparation. | Anon. | Microscopy | General | Details |
1820 | Bancks | Made an advanced simple microscope. | Anon. | Microscopy | General | Details |
1820 | Pelletier | With Caventou, isolated quinine from cinchona. | Norman | Miscellany | General | Details |
1821 | Amici | Made first effective achromatic microscope. | Collard | Microscopy | General | Details |
1821 | Anon. | British troops spread cholera to S. Arabia, while trying to suppress slavery. | McNeill | Miscellany | General | Details |
1821 | Bretonneau | Presented oral reports on the specificity of diseases such as diphtheria and typhoid. | Bullock | Miscellany | General | Details |
1821 | Magendie | Used saliva of a human rabies case to transmit rabies to dogs. | Anon. | Causation | Viruses | Details |
1821 | Schilling | Transmitted glanders to humans. | Garrison | Causation | General | Details |
1822 | Acerbi | Reported his view that typhus is caused by parasites (hypothetical) multiplying in body. | Anon. | Miscellany | General | Details |
1822 | Anon. | French experts studied Yellow Fever outbreak in Barcelona. | McNeill | Miscellany | General | Details |
1822 | Persoon | Gave name "mycoderma" (fungal skin) to the "skin" formed on the surface of a liquid when vinegar is produced. | Lechevalier | Miscellany | Fungi | Details |
1823 | Magendie | Reported lethal effect of putrid blood when given intravenously but not orally. | Anon. | Causation | General | Details |
1824 | Amici | Made achromatic objectives, using the Selligue approach. | Bradbury | Microscopy | General | Details |
1824 | Gaspard | Published results (also in 1822) of injecting putrid materials (e.g., pus) and body fluids into animals, by various routes. | Garrison & Morton | Causation | General | Details |
1824 | Pritchard | Made a lens of diamond (at the suggestion of Goring). | Bradbury | Microscopy | General | Details |
1824 | Selligue | Designed objective consisting of a series of four achromatic doublets. | Bradbury | Microscopy | General | Details |
1825 | Barthelemy | Showed that anthrax was transmissible by inoculation in a series of sheep. | Joklik | Causation | General | Details |
1825 | Chevallier | Made objectives of Selligue type, but with the flat surface of the plano-concave lens facing the object. | Anon. | Microscopy | General | Details |
1825 | Copland | Used potassium iodide in syphilis. | Garrison | Miscellany | General | Details |
1825 | Goring | Introduced the use of standard test objects for comparing performance of objectives. | Anon. | Microscopy | General | Details |
1825 | Labarraque | Used sodium hypochlorite and other chemicals to prevent putrefaction of corpses. | Lechevalier | Miscellany | General | Details |
1825 | Louis | Published important work on tuberculosis, but without knowledge of its etiology. | Garrison & Morton | Miscellany | General | Details |
1826 | Anon. | New cholera epidemic out of India. | McNeill | Miscellany | General | Details |
1826 | Bretonneau | Described and named diphtheria. | Major | Miscellany | General | Details |
1826 | Desmazieres | Described and illustrated yeast cells (the Mycoderma spp. of Persoon). | Lechevalier | Miscellany | Fungi | Details |
1826 | Laennec | Maintained unity of scrofula and tuberculosis. | Garrison | Miscellany | General | Details |
1826 | Smith | Made achromatic microscope for Lister. | Ford | Microscopy | General | Details |
1826 | Tulley | Made an exceptional microscope with an achromatic objective. | Anon. | Microscopy | General | Details |
1827 | Amici | Produced improved objective by new approach (resulting from work begun in 1824). | Bradbury | Microscopy | General | Details |
1827 | Brown | Studied the motion of microscopic particles of animal, vegetable and mineral origin. | Asimov | Microscopy | General | Details |
1827 | Desmazieres | Considered yeast an infusarian because of motion. | Lechevalier | Miscellany | Fungi | Details |
1828 | Annesley | Recognized and described amebic dysentery. | Anon. | Miscellany | Protozoa | Details |
1828 | Chadwick | Wrote essay setting out what he later called his "sanitary idea." | Chase | Miscellany | General | Details |
1828 | Dance | Reported experiments on the pathogenicity of putrid materials when injected. | Anon. | Miscellany | General | Details |
1829 | Alibert | Described pustule d'Alep, the characteristic lesion of cutaneous leishmaniasis. | Garrison | Miscellany | Protozoa | Details |
1829 | Coddington | Improved the simple microscope by reducing the spherical aberration, but at the cost of decreased aperture. | Anon. | Microscopy | General | Details |
1829 | Creplin | Confirmed 1790 report that birds acquire tapeworm by eating fish harboring the larvae. | Grove | Causation | Helminths | Details |
1829 | Ehrenberg | Began his study of microorganisms. | Doetsch | Miscellany | Bacteria | Details |
1829 | Lister | Published his mathematical principles for designing lenses with better correction of aberration. | Anon. | Microscopy | General | Details |
1829 | Louis | Wrote on typhoid fever and gave it that name. | Norman | Miscellany | General | Details |
1829 | Rhind | Opposed spontaneous generation of parasitic worms. | Grove | Causation | Helminths | Details |
1829 | Simpson | Made first municipal water filter. | Garrison | Miscellany | General | Details |
1829 | Wollaston | Improved the simple microscope beyond his advance of 1812. | Anon. | Microscopy | General | Details |
1830 | Anon. | About this time the new achromatic objectives were making it necessary to use long microscope tubes. | Bradbury | Microscopy | General | Details |
1830 | Anon. | Beginning of rapid decline (1830 - 50) in status of American medical profession. | Rosenberg | Miscellany | Bacteria | Details |
1830 | Anon. | Popularized glass microscope slides. | Bradbury | Microscopy | General | Details |
1830 | Chevalier | Improved the simple microscope. | Bradbury | Microscopy | General | Details |
1830 | Ehrenberg | Discovered Bacterium termo. | Garrison | Miscellany | Bacteria | Details |
1830 | Kaehler | With Alms, discovered santonin for treatment of parasitic worms. | Garrison | Miscellany | Helminths | Details |
1830 | Lister | Described mathematics of achromatic lens. | Bradbury | Miscellany | General | Details |
1831 | Anon. | Cholera to Mecca at time of pilgrimage. | McNeill | Miscellany | General | Details |
1831 | Anon. | Epidemic cholera in Europe. | Anon. | Miscellany | General | Details |
1831 | Henry | Sterilized fomites of scarlatina victims by heat, 200 F. | Garrison | Miscellany | General | Details |
1831 | Mehlis | Saw miracidia emerging from trematode eggs. | Grove | Miscellany | Helminths | Details |
1831 | Perkins | Introduced high-pressure hot water for sterilization. | Anon. | Miscellany | General | Details |
1832 | Anon. | Cholera carried to Ireland, then Canada, then U.S.A. | McNeill | Miscellany | General | Details |
1832 | Anon. | Introduced British quarantine vs. cholera. | Anon. | Miscellany | General | Details |
1832 | Bigelow | Promoted sanitary measures to control a major outbreak of cholera. | Anon. | Miscellany | General | Details |
1832 | Brown | Used a single lens to observe the cell "nucleus." | Anon. | Microscopy | General | Details |
1833 | Anon. | Cholera spreads from U.S.A. to Mexico. | McNeill | Miscellany | General | Details |
1833 | Bassi | Reported evidence of infectious nature of silkworm disease (muscardine). | Anon. | Causation | Fungi | Details |
1833 | Cary | Made microscope intermediate between simple and compound types. | Ford | Microscopy | General | Details |
1833 | Unger | Published claim that parasitic fungi of plants arise from morbid sap. | Ainsworth | Causation | Fungi | Details |
1834 | Bassi | Demonstrated infectious nature of a disease of silkworms. | Ainsworth | Causation | Fungi | Details |
1834 | Horner | Reported that stools in cholera contained epithelial tissue sloughed from small intestine, but did not report seeing bacteria. | Anon. | Miscellany | General | Details |
1834 | Kutzing | Apparently saw yeast cells and realized that they were living. | Anon. | Miscellany | Fungi | Details |
1834 | Remak | Reported filaments resembling a mold in material from the favus variety of ringworm. | Anon. | Causation | Fungi | Details |
1834 | Runge | Isolated carbolic acid. | Garrison | Miscellany | General | Details |
1835 | Anon. | Vaccination of infants made compulsory in England and Wales. | Schreiber | Immunology | General | Details |
1835 | Bassi | Published fungal causation of muscardine of silkworms. | Ainsworth | Causation | Fungi | Details |
1835 | Cagniard-Latour | Reported the living nature of yeast. | Garrison | Miscellany | Fungi | Details |
1835 | Oberhauser | Developed an improved drum microscope. | Bradbury | Microscopy | General | Details |
1835 | Owen | Described Trichinella spiralis in human muscle. | Garrison & Morton | Miscellany | Helminths | Details |
1835 | Paget | Reported discovery of Trichinella spiralis in human flesh. | Norman | Miscellany | Helminths | Details |
1835 | Wollaston | Made improved achromatic triplet lens. | Anon. | Microscopy | General | Details |
1836 | Cagniard-Latour | Observed that beer yeast contained budding globules. | Norman | Miscellany | General | Details |
1836 | Donne | Reported Trichomonas vaginalis in male and female reproductive tract. | Norman | Causation | Protozoa | Details |
1836 | Fliedner | Opened hospital in Kaiserwerth, Germany, with religious deaconesses as nurses. | Anon. | Miscellany | General | Details |
1836 | Schulze | Reported that the development of microorganisms in sterile organic matter can be prevented by chemical treatment of incoming air. | Lechevalier | Miscellany | General | Details |
1836 | Schwann | Showed microbial nature of putrefaction. | Garrison | Miscellany | General | Details |
1837 | Amici | Introduced the hemispherical front lens in the construction of objectives for the compound microscope. | Anon. | Microscopy | General | Details |
1837 | Cagniard-Latour | Proposed that alcoholic fermentation was due to the vital action of the yeast. | Lechevalier | Miscellany | Fungi | Details |
1837 | Chadwick | Reported average life expectancy of 45 years. | Garrison | Miscellany | General | Details |
1837 | Donne | Reported further observations on Trichomonas vaginalis. | Kean | Causation | Protozoa | Details |
1837 | Gerhard | Distinguished between typhus and typhoid (such clinical refinement later becoming helpful in establishing the germ theory). | Garrison | Miscellany | Bacteria | Details |
1837 | Gerhard | Made definite separation of typhus and typhoid, getting it accepted at least in the United States. | Norman | Miscellany | General | Details |
1837 | Kutzing | a. Described and illustrated yeast cells, and proposed that all fermentations are vital processes. | Lechevalier | Miscellany | Fungi | Details |
1837 | Kutzing | b. Reported connection between life in "mother of vinegar" and production of vinegar. | Ainsworth | Miscellany | Fungi | Details |
1837 | Kutzing | c. Reported that yeast cells are pleomorphic. | Bullock | Miscellany | Fungi | Details |
1837 | Piorry | Coined "septicoemie" (now septicemia) for putrid intoxication. | Anon. | Miscellany | General | Details |
1837 | Rayer | Inoculation of glanders; shown to be contagious. | Norman | Causation | Bacteria | Details |
1837 | Remak | Saw fungal filaments in favus but did not consider them the cause. | Lechevalier | Miscellany | Fungi | Details |
1837 | Ross | Began making achromatic microscope objectives by Lister's formulas. | Bradbury | Microscopy | General | Details |
1837 | Schwann | Reported role of living yeast cells in putrefaction and fermentation. | Bullock | Miscellany | Fungi | Details |
1837 | Schwann | The development of microorganisms in sterile organic matter can be prevented by heating incoming air. | Anon. | Miscellany | General | Details |
1838 | Cagniard-Latour | Reported (independently) role of living yeast cells in alcoholic fermentation. | Brock | Miscellany | Fungi | Details |
1838 | Ehrenberg | Published major illustrated treatise on "infusoria," including protozoa and bacteria. | Garrison | Miscellany | Bacteria | Details |
1838 | Ricord | Corrected John Hunter in showing that syphilis and gonorrhea are separate diseases. | Norman | Miscellany | General | Details |
1838 | Ross | Made an objective that provided correction for the thickness of cover slips. | Bradbury | Microscopy | General | Details |
1839 | Budd | Proposed, in an essay, that typhoid fever was contagious and was spread by contaminated water. | Cirillo | Causation | Bacteria | Details |
1839 | Hake | Published description of what were probably coccidial oocysts in rabbit liver. | Dobell | Miscellany | Protozoa | Details |
1839 | Lagenbeck | Reported a cryptogamic plant (fungus) in human thrush, but did not postulate causation. | Anon. | Miscellany | Fungi | Details |
1839 | Owen | Became first president of the Microscopical Society of London. | Anon. | Microscopy | General | Details |
1839 | Purkinje | Introduced microtome, Canada balsam and other elements of standard microscopical technique. | Garrison | Microscopy | General | Details |
1839 | Ross, A. | Introduced the "Lister-limb" construction of microscopes. | Bradbury | Microscopy | General | Details |
1839 | Schoenlein | Reported fungus Achorion in favus of scalp in group of patients. | Norman | Causation | Fungi | Details |
1839 | Schoenlein | Separated and named typhus abdominalis and typhus exanthematicus. | Anon. | Miscellany | General | Details |
1840 | Anon. | Achromatic objectives achieved major impact, 1830 - 1850. | Bradbury | Microscopy | General | Details |
1840 | Anon. | Microscopists used thin glass cover-slips to cover objects on microscope slides. | Bradbury | Microscopy | General | Details |
1840 | Anon. | Variolation declared to be a felony in Britain. | Garrison | Immunology | General | Details |
1840 | Buehlmann | Rediscovered fungus Leptothrix [Leptotrichia]. | Bullock | Miscellany | Fungi | Details |
1840 | Carter | Reported Streptobacillus moniliformis as cause of rat-bit fever. | Lee | Causation | Bacteria | Details |
1840 | Farr | Promoted the "hypothesis" that epidemic diseases are caused by minute organisms carried from person to person by air. | Chase | Causation | Bacteria | Details |
1840 | Fry | Founded a religious nursing order, which promoted hygiene, without knowledge of germs. | Fisher | Miscellany | General | Details |
1840 | Henle | Propounded a persuasive germ theory but failed to find germs. | Garrison & Morton | Causation | General | Details |
1840 | Roberton | Presented clinical evidence of the contagiousness of puerperal fever. | Graham | Causation | Bacteria | Details |
1841 | Berg | Demonstrated the fungal etiology of thrush. | Garrison & Morton | Causation | Fungi | Details |
1841 | Dubini | Discovered hookworm in miners. | Norman | Causation | Helminths | Details |
1841 | Dujardin | Published major treatise on micro-organisms. | Garrison & Morton | Miscellany | Bacteria | Details |
1841 | Eschricht | Wrote that asexual parasites such as Trichinella [muscle stage] must be regarded as immature or larval forms. | Grove | Miscellany | Helminths | Details |
1841 | Gruby | Reported fungal elements in favus (tinea). | Norman | Causation | Fungi | Details |
1841 | Holmes | Preached contagiousness of puerperal fever, and transmission by medical personnel. | Magner | Miscellany | General | Details |
1841 | Muller, J. | Described psorospermosis. | Anon. | Miscellany | Protozoa | Details |
1841 | Valentin | Recorded the presence of protozoa, now called trypanosomes, in the blood of fish. | Garrison & Morton | Miscellany | Protozoa | Details |
1842 | Bennett | Reported the fungus Geotrichum infecting an old tuberculous cavity in a human. | Anon. | Miscellany | Fungi | Details |
1842 | Berg | Found fungal agent of thrush (now Candida albicans). | Ainsworth | Causation | Fungi | Details |
1842 | Chadwick | Issued major indictment of unsanitary conditions in British industrial slums. | Norman | Miscellany | General | Details |
1842 | Goodsir | Reported bacteria in human stomach (sarcinae, i.e., Sarcina, Coccaceae). | Garrison & Morton | Miscellany | Bacteria | Details |
1842 | Gruby | Described fungus as cause of "muguet" (thrush) of children. | Norman | Causation | Fungi | Details |
1842 | Muller | With Retzius, found mold Mucor in lungs of owl. | Bullock | Miscellany | Fungi | Details |
1842 | Remak | Used Schönlein's fungus to induce favus on self. | Long | Miscellany | Fungi | Details |
1842 | Steenstrup | Published theory of Alternation of Generations, based in part on the life cycle of parasitic worms. | Garrison & Morton | Miscellany | Helminths | Details |
1843 | Busk | Found adult Fasciolopsis in human intestine. | Garrison & Morton | Miscellany | Helminths | Details |
1843 | Dubini | Reported discovery of hookworm in humans. | Norman | Causation | Helminths | Details |
1843 | Gruby | Described the fungus Microsporum audouini in a type of ringworm. | Norman | Causation | Fungi | Details |
1843 | Holmes | Proclaimed contagiousness of puerperal fever. | Norman | Causation | General | Details |
1843 | Klencke | Obtained experimental evidence for the transmission of tuberculosis by cow's milk. | Garrison & Morton | Causation | General | Details |
1843 | Ross | Introduced the "bar-limb" construction of microscopes. | Ford | Microscopy | General | Details |
1844 | Amici | Made an achromatic objective with 1/7" focal length and angular aperture of 112 degrees (equals numerical aperture of 0.83). | Bradbury | Microscopy | General | Details |
1844 | Bassi | Used calcium chloride as an area disinfectant to control muscardine (fungus) in silkworms. | Lechevalier | Causation | Fungi | Details |
1844 | Bennett | Demonstrated the fungal etiology of thrush (mucocutaneous candidiasis). | Rippon | Causation | Fungi | Details |
1844 | Bennett | Found mold in pneumothorax. | Bullock | Miscellany | Fungi | Details |
1844 | Danielssen | Inoculated himself and others to show non-infectious nature of leprosy. | Norman | Causation | General | Details |
1844 | Gruby | Found fungus, later called Trichophyton, in head infection. | Bullock | Causation | Fungi | Details |
1844 | Mayer | Found mold, Mucor, in inner ear. | Bullock | Miscellany | Fungi | Details |
1845 | Berkeley | Reported fungus as cause of potato blight. | Ainsworth | Causation | Fungi | Details |
1845 | Budd | Accepted parasitic cause of a liver disease. | Grove | Causation | Helminths | Details |
1845 | Donne | Published engraving of first photomicrograph of a microbial pathogen. | Campbell | Microscopy | Protozoa | Details |
1845 | Dujardin | Recorded the similarity between the scolex of porcine cysticerci and the head of adult tapeworms (Taenia) from humans. | Grove | Causation | Helminths | Details |
1845 | Montagne | Described and named fungus of potato blight. | Ainsworth | Causation | Fungi | Details |
1845 | Siebold | Published his conclusion that protozoa were single-celled animals. | Anon. | Miscellany | Protozoa | Details |
1846 | Berkeley | Published fungal causation of potato blight. | Ainsworth | Causation | Fungi | Details |
1846 | Eichstedt | Reported fungal etiology of pityriasis versicolor of human skin. | Rippon | Causation | Fungi | Details |
1846 | Leidy | Found Trichinella larvae in pork. | Campbell | Causation | Helminths | Details |
1846 | Norbert | Introduced test plate of ruled lines. | Anon. | Microscopy | General | Details |
1846 | Panum | Showed transmissibility of measles. | Norman | Causation | Viruses | Details |
1846 | Rasori | Recorded hypothesis that malaria is caused by parasites. | Bruce-Chwatt | Causation | Protozoa | Details |
1847 | Callender | Reduced mortality from post-operative infections by instituting hygienic measures. | Waller | Miscellany | General | Details |
1847 | Danielssen | With Boeck, published landmark treatise on leprosy. | Mange | Causation | Bacteria | Details |
1847 | Dempster | Used spleen enlargement as index in assessing malaria endemicity in children. | Bruce-Chwatt | Miscellany | Protozoa | Details |
1847 | Fujii | Described human syndrome known as Katayama disease, subsequently found to be schistosomiasis. | Grove | Miscellany | Helminths | Details |
1847 | Meckel | Observed black pigment inside protoplasmic masses in blood of fatal case of malaria. | Harrison | Miscellany | Protozoa | Details |
1847 | Semmelweis | Reduced deaths from puerperal (childbed) fever by instituting disinfection of physicians' hands. | Norman | Causation | General | Details |
1847 | Sluyter | a. Found fungus Microsporon furfur (later Trichophyton) in skin. | Bullock | Causation | Fungi | Details |
1847 | Sluyter | b. Reported Aspergillus infection in the human respiratory tract. | Anon. | Miscellany | Fungi | Details |
1847 | Sluyter | c. Reported fungal etiology of pityriasis versicolor of human skin. | Anon. | Causation | Fungi | Details |
1847 | Spencer | Developed achromatic objective to a new standard of excellence. | Bradbury | Microscopy | General | Details |
1847 | Tulasne | Reported evidence of fungal causation of plant diseases. | Parris | Causation | Fungi | Details |
1848 | Berkeley | Stated that many plant diseases are caused by fungi. | Parris | Causation | Fungi | Details |
1848 | Blackwell | Advocated personal hygiene in disease prevention. | Wilson | Miscellany | General | Details |
1848 | Chadwick | Masterminded passage of the Public Health Act in Britain. | Garrison | Miscellany | General | Details |
1848 | Nott | Published papers often cited, inaccurately, as proposing insects as vectors of disease. | Chernin | Miscellany | General | Details |
1848 | Pasteur | Discovered chirality of optically active compounds. | Anon. | Miscellany | General | Details |
1848 | Pollander | Found bacillus in blood of animals dying of anthrax. | Anon. | Causation | Bacteria | Details |
1848 | Virchow | With Frerichs, recognized connection between black pigmentation of internal organs and death from malaria. | Bruce-Chwatt | Miscellany | Protozoa | Details |
1849 | Brittan | Reported fungus, erroneously, in cholera. | Bullock | Miscellany | Bacteria | Details |
1849 | Budd | a. Reported objects thought to be fungus in cholera. | Bullock | Miscellany | Bacteria | Details |
1849 | Budd | b. Reported evidence of link between cholera and drinking water. | Doetsch | Causation | Bacteria | Details |
1849 | Gros | Observed amoebae around teeth in humans. | Norman | Causation | Protozoa | Details |
1849 | Nageli | Lumped the colorless infusoria together in (a new?) group Schizomyces. | Garrison | Miscellany | General | Details |
1849 | Pollender | Observed micro-organisms in blood of cows that had died from anthrax. | Norman | Causation | Bacteria | Details |
1849 | Pouchet | Reported animalcules (vibrios) in cholera. | Bullock | Miscellany | Bacteria | Details |
1849 | Snow | Essays on cholera, stating that it is water-borne, and transmitted by mouth. | Norman | Causation | Bacteria | Details |
1849 | Swayne | Reported fungus in cholera (later discredited). | Bullock | Miscellany | Bacteria | Details |
1849 | Wilkinson | Recognized the fungal (epiphyte) nature of a vaginal discharge (candidiasis). | Rippon | Causation | Fungi | Details |
1850 | Cohn | Reported study on the pigment-producing (red) bacterium Monas prodigiosa. | Doetsch | Miscellany | Bacteria | Details |
1850 | Davaine | Saw bacillus in blood of sheep dead from anthrax. | Long | Causation | Bacteria | Details |
1850 | Fresnius | Reported a fungus infection in the air sac of birds. | Anon. | Causation | Fungi | Details |
1850 | Gillet | Introduced the achromatic condenser lens. | Anon. | Microscopy | General | Details |
1850 | Rayer | Reported elongated bodies (rods) in blood of sheep dead of anthrax. | Norman | Causation | Bacteria | Details |
1850 | Semmelweis | Published his use of a disinfectant to prevent human disease. | Brock (1961) | Miscellany | General | Details |
1851 | Anon. | Debated contagion vs. miasma, at the first International Health Conference. | Anon. | Causation | General | Details |
1851 | Bilharz | Reported discovery of a dioecious trematode (Schistosoma) in portal blood of humans. | Garrison & Morton | Miscellany | Helminths | Details |
1851 | Herbst | Reported infecting dogs with Trichinella by feeding infected meat. | Campbell | Causation | Helminths | Details |
1851 | Kuchenmeister | Infected foxes with Taenia pisiformis by feeding them Cysticercus pisiformis from rabbit. | Grove | Causation | Helminths | Details |
1852 | Bilharz | Reported that hookworm was cause of Egyptian chlorosis. | Grove | Causation | Helminths | Details |
1852 | Kuchenmeister | Reported infecting cat with Taenia taeniaeformis by feeding Cysticercus fasciolaris from mice. | Grove | Causation | Helminths | Details |
1852 | Perty | Published work on microbes, with revised classification. | Anon. | Miscellany | Bacteria | Details |
1852 | Snow | Argued for germ causation of cholera. | Anon. | Causation | Bacteria | Details |
1853 | Auzias-Turenne | Advocated vaccination against syphilis, and stressed variation in microbial virulence. | Williams | Immunology | Bacteria | Details |
1853 | Cohn | Reported observations on micro-organisms in drinking water. | Doetsch | Miscellany | Bacteria | Details |
1853 | Kuchenmeister | Reported infection of dogs with Taenia spp. after feeding them cystic tapeworms. | Grove | Causation | Helminths | Details |
1853 | Robin | Described fungal parasites of humans and other animals, but did not fully accept their role in causation of disease. | Rippon | Miscellany | Fungi | Details |
1853 | Siebold | Reported infection of dogs with Echinococcus after feeding them hydatid cysts from sheep. | Grove | Miscellany | Helminths | Details |
1854 | Bechamp | Began study of the chemistry of sugar fermentation. | Anon. | Miscellany | General | Details |
1854 | Beneden | Reported that feeding Taenia solium eggs to a pig resulted in cysticerci in muscles. | Grove | Miscellany | Helminths | Details |
1854 | Cohn | Published book on microscopic algae & fungi; proposed that bacteria (Vibrionia) be classified as plants instead of animals. | Lechevalier | Miscellany | Bacteria | Details |
1854 | Graefe | Reported an actinomycete as the causative agent of inflammation of the human tear duct (canaliculitis). | Anon. | Causation | Bacteria | Details |
1854 | Griesinger | a. Reported pathogenesis of schistosomiasis. | Grove | Causation | Helminths | Details |
1854 | Griesinger | b. Reported hookworm as cause of fatal blood loss. | Grove | Causation | Helminths | Details |
1854 | Hassall | Reported myriads of microbes in watery stools of cholera victims. | Chase | Miscellany | Bacteria | Details |
1854 | Kuchenmeister | Reported tapeworm infection in a human following ingestion of larvae from pork. | Grove | Causation | Helminths | Details |
1854 | Mouat | Published a report on the ancient Asian use of chaulmoogra oil in the treatment of leprosy. | Anon. | Miscellany | Bacteria | Details |
1854 | Pacini | Discovered microorganisms in intestines of cholera victims and proposed causation. | Chase | Causation | Bacteria | Details |
1854 | Ridell | Introduced a binocular microscope. | Bradbury | Microscopy | General | Details |
1854 | Schroeder | With von Dusch, reported that the development of microorganisms in sterile organic matter can be prevented by passing incoming air through cotton wool. | Anon. | Miscellany | General | Details |
1854 | Snow | Reported epidemiological evidence of water as carrier of cholera. | Norman | Causation | Bacteria | Details |
1854 | Whitehead | Investigated cholera transmission and provided crucial support for Snow's theory of transmission by drinking water. | Johnson | Causation | Bacteria | Details |
1855 | Amici | Exhibited immersion lenses, using water, glycerine or oils as the fluid medium. | Bradbury | Microscopy | General | Details |
1855 | Gerlach | Introduced ammoniated carmine as a histological stain. | Anon. | Microscopy | General | Details |
1855 | Humbert | Infected himself with pork tapeworm, confirming cysticercus as infective stage. | Grove | Causation | Helminths | Details |
1855 | Pasteur | Showed that crude alcohol from beet was not optically same as from molasses. | Geison | Miscellany | General | Details |
1855 | Pollander | Reported micro-organisms in blood, and especially spleen, of cows dead of anthrax. | Norman | Causation | Bacteria | Details |
1855 | Valette | Reported infectivity of trematode cercariae following encystment. | Grove | Miscellany | Helminths | Details |
1855 | Wenham | Made a much improved correction collar for cover slip thickness. | Bradbury | Microscopy | General | Details |
1856 | Bettinger | Reported (anonymously) the inoculability of syphilis. | Norman | Causation | Bacteria | Details |
1856 | Hoegh | Initiated an influential Leprosy Registry in Norway. | Irgens | Miscellany | Bacteria | Details |
1856 | Panum | Reported lethal effect of injecting putrid blood, muscle etc. into dogs. | Anon. | Miscellany | General | Details |
1856 | Perkin | Synthesized the first aniline dye (purple). | Garrison | Microscopy | General | Details |
1856 | Virchow | Reported that "pigeon-handler's disease" is caused by a respiratory fungal infection (aspergillosis). | Ainsworth | Causation | Fungi | Details |
1857 | Brauell | Using infected blood, transmitted anthrax from human to sheep, and horse to horse. | Anon. | Causation | Bacteria | Details |
1857 | Kuehn | Found nematode parasitic in teasel plant (Dipsacus). | Parris | Causation | Helminths | Details |
1857 | Leuckart | Described life cycle of Trichinella spiralis, a parasitic nematode. | Grove | Miscellany | Helminths | Details |
1857 | Malmsten | Reported Balantidium coli as pathogenic in human intestine. | Garrison | Causation | Protozoa | Details |
1857 | Nageli | Coined Schizomycetes (fission fungi) for bacteria and other micro-organisms. | Anon. | Miscellany | Bacteria | Details |
1857 | Nageli | Described cells in silkworm disease as Nosema bombycis. | Anon. | Causation | General | Details |
1857 | Pasteur | a. Claimed specific ferments as cause of particular fermentations. | Carter | Miscellany | General | Details |
1857 | Pasteur | b. Showed that milk microbes make lactic acid. | Anon. | Miscellany | General | Details |
1857 | Speerschneider | Demonstrated contagiousness of potato blight fungus. | Parris | Causation | Fungi | Details |
1858 | Bechamp | Reported results of studies on fermentation of cane sugar. | Anon. | Miscellany | General | Details |
1858 | Brauell | Reported further studies on transmission of anthrax in sheep. | Carter | Causation | Bacteria | Details |
1858 | Docker | Reintroduced ipecac for dysentery. | Garrison | Miscellany | Protozoa | Details |
1858 | Hoegh | Concluded that leprosy is contagious not hereditary. | Mange | Causation | Bacteria | Details |
1858 | Kuehn | Published book on fungal diseases of plants. | Ainsworth | Causation | Fungi | Details |
1858 | Pasteur | Saw microbes in spoiled wine. | Anon. | Miscellany | Bacteria | Details |
1859 | Auzias-Turenne | With Gilbert, infected patients by inoculating them with pus from secondary syphilis. | Dracobly | Causation | Bacteria | Details |
1859 | Bazalgette | Began construction of major sewerage system in London, to reduce disease attributed either to stench or to water-borne agent. | Halliday | Miscellany | General | Details |
1859 | Brehmer | Opened first TB sanatorium. | Garrison | Miscellany | Bacteria | Details |
1859 | Hartnack | Began making water-immersion lenses. | Bradbury | Microscopy | General | Details |
1859 | Homan | With Hartwig, traced transmission of dysentery. | Kobro | Causation | General | Details |
1859 | Pasteur | Expressed the opinion that the causes of contagious diseases are similar to the causes of fermentation. | Vallery-Radot | Causation | General | Details |
1859 | Pouchet | Published book supporting concept of spontaneous generation, eliciting critical counter argument for germ theory. | Geison | Miscellany | General | Details |
1859 | Schacht | Reported nematode as cause of serious disease of sugar beet. | Parris | Causation | Helminths | Details |
1859 | Virchow | Infected dog with Trichinella and discovered the adult worm in small intestine. | Grove | Causation | Helminths | Details |
1860 | Carter | Coined mycetoma for tumors caused by fungi. | Anon. | Causation | Fungi | Details |
1860 | Delafond | Studied rods found in anthrax, and tried to culture them. | Bullock | Causation | Bacteria | Details |
1860 | Lemaire | Proposed treatment of wounds with carbolic acid to kill germs. | Anon. | Miscellany | General | Details |
1860 | Nightingale | Founded Nightingale Training School for Nurses; opposed Germ Theory until her death. | Fisher | Miscellany | General | Details |
1860 | Pasteur | Published major paper on role of living organisms in alcoholic fermentation. | Lechevalier | Miscellany | Fungi | Details |
1860 | Wenham | Introduced a binocular microscope. | Bradbury | Microscopy | General | Details |
1860 | Zenker | Found overwhelming evidence that microscopic worms (Trichinella spiralis) caused fatal muscle disease in one case. | Grove | Causation | Helminths | Details |
1861 | Bary | Established fungal causation of potato blight. | Ainsworth | Causation | Fungi | Details |
1861 | Pasteur | a. Reported that some organisms can live without oxygen (anaerobic fermentation). | Carter | Miscellany | General | Details |
1861 | Pasteur | b. Published classic paper on germs in air. | Carter | Causation | Bacteria | Details |
1861 | Pasteur | c. Reported that specific microbes are responsible for specific fermentations. | Carter | Miscellany | General | Details |
1861 | Semmelweis | Published book on prevention of puerperal fever. | Garrison | Miscellany | General | Details |
1862 | Davaine | Reported infectivity of helminth eggs. | Grove | Miscellany | Helminths | Details |
1862 | Delafond | With Bourguignon, reported studies on newly discovered mites of sheep and rabbits. | Touratier | Causation | General | Details |
1862 | Leuckart | Found beef tapeworm, Taenia saginata, in calves fed Cysticercus bovis. | Grove | Causation | Helminths | Details |
1862 | Mayrhofer | Applied isolation and re-inoculation techniques. | Carter | Causation | General | Details |
1862 | Salisbury | Attempted to show that fungi (molds in the environment) caused diseases such as measles and malaria. | Anon. | Causation | Fungi | Details |
1863 | Bary | Reported definitive study of fungal causation of potato blight. | Parris | Causation | Fungi | Details |
1863 | Bechamp | Synthesized arsanilic acid, precursor of the antimicrobial agent atoxyl. | Collard | Miscellany | General | Details |
1863 | Bottini | Used phenol as an antiseptic in surgery. | Lechevalier | Miscellany | General | Details |
1863 | Davaine | a. Reported evidence of the bacterial causation of anthrax in sheep. | Garrison | Causation | Bacteria | Details |
1863 | Davaine | b. Reported that anthrax blood was non-infective after heating at 55 C for 10 min. | Geison | Miscellany | Bacteria | Details |
1863 | Demarquay | Reported the presence of filarial larvae in swelling of scrotum of human. | Grove | Causation | Helminths | Details |
1863 | Fresenius | Used potato as a solid medium for microbial growth. | Garrison | Miscellany | Bacteria | Details |
1863 | Pasteur | a. Reported that putrefaction is caused by organized ferments of genus Vibrio. | Bullock | Miscellany | Bacteria | Details |
1863 | Pasteur | b. Published first report on wine spoilage. | Carter | Miscellany | General | Details |
1863 | Pasteur | c. Wrote letter to Napoleon III expressing interest in finding cause of infectious diseases. | Collard | Causation | General | Details |
1864 | Bechamp | Introduced the term "zymase" (now enzyme). | Anon. | Miscellany | General | Details |
1864 | Budd | Demonstrate efficacy of disinfectants in control of typhoid fever. | Cirillo | Miscellany | Bacteria | Details |
1864 | Pasteur | a. Associated a (vegetable) ferment with a wine "maladie". | Carter | Miscellany | General | Details |
1864 | Pasteur | b. Lectured in opposition to theory of spontaneous generation. | Geison | Miscellany | General | Details |
1864 | Steinheil | Introduced improved triplet lens for the simple microscope. | Bradbury | Microscopy | General | Details |
1864 | Weber | Reported results of injecting putrid fluids into animals. | Anon. | Miscellany | Bacteria | Details |
1864 | Wells | Proposed that air-borne microscopic organisms cause post-surgical wound infection and sepsis. | Worboys | Causation | Bacteria | Details |
1865 | Bohmer | Introduced haematoxylin as a "dye" in microscopy. | Ford | Microscopy | General | Details |
1865 | Gamgee | Advocated contagion-based control of rinderpest. | Anon. | Causation | General | Details |
1865 | Hallier | Alleged fungal cause of diseases. | Anon. | Causation | Fungi | Details |
1865 | Homan | With Hartwig, traced transmission of typhoid. | Kobro | Causation | General | Details |
1865 | Huppert | Published review on anthrax literature, claiming that Davaine had shown causality. | Carter | Causation | Bacteria | Details |
1865 | Lemaire | Proposed carbolic acid as disinfectant for wounds. | Bullock | Miscellany | General | Details |
1865 | Leuckart | Showed that pinworm (Enterobius) infection resulted from swallowing eggs of the parasite. | Grove | Causation | Helminths | Details |
1865 | Lister | Began using antiseptic to prevent wound infection in surgery. | Garrison & Morton | Causation | Bacteria | Details |
1865 | Lowe | Advocated contagion-based control of rinderpest. | Anon. | Causation | General | Details |
1865 | Pasteur | a. Saw "corpuscular bodies" in silkworm disease. | Bullock | Miscellany | General | Details |
1865 | Pasteur | b. Commented on anthrax vaccine of colleagues. | Carter | Immunology | Bacteria | Details |
1865 | Pasteur | c. Presented oral paper on inhibition of microbial growth by pasteurization. | Debré | Miscellany | General | Details |
1865 | Powell | With Lealand, introduced a binocular microscope suitable for high magnification. | Bradbury | Microscopy | General | Details |
1865 | Simon | Advocated contagion-based control of rinderpest. | Bullock | Causation | General | Details |
1865 | Simonds | Advocated contagion-based control of rinderpest (cattle plague). | Anon. | Miscellany | General | Details |
1865 | Villemin | Showed (1865-69) that tuberculosis was due to an (unseen) inoculable agent. | Lechevalier | Causation | Bacteria | Details |
1866 | Brauell | Argued that the literature opposed rather than supported bacteria as cause of anthrax. | Carter | Causation | Bacteria | Details |
1866 | Coze | With Feltz, published first of a series of papers linking bacteria to putrid blood. | Anon. | Causation | Bacteria | Details |
1866 | Griesinger | Showed that hookworm is a cause of disease in humans. | Grove | Causation | Helminths | Details |
1866 | Hemmer | Reported results of injecting pus and other putrid fluids into cats and rabbits. | Anon. | Causation | General | Details |
1866 | Kolb | Found bacteria in cholera stool. | Doetsch | Causation | Bacteria | Details |
1866 | Pasteur | a. Published book on wine diseases. | Carter | Miscellany | General | Details |
1866 | Pasteur | b. Reported transmission of silkworm disease by means of corpuscles. | Carter | Causation | General | Details |
1866 | Woronin | Concluded (erroneously, because of knowledge then available) that bacteria in plant root nodules were pathogenic. | Lechevalier | Causation | Bacteria | Details |
1866 | Wucherer | Confirmed Griesinger's finding that hookworm causes tropical anemia. | Grove | Causation | Helminths | Details |
1867 | Buhl | Saw microbes in diphtheria | Bulloch | Causation | Bacteria | Details |
1867 | Leyden | With Jaffe, implicated microbes in sepsis. | Bullock | Causation | Bacteria | Details |
1867 | Lister | Reported use of carbolic acid to prevent wound infection in surgery. | Brock (1961) | Causation | Bacteria | Details |
1867 | Mercet | Transmissibility of tuberculosis. | Anon. | Causation | Bacteria | Details |
1867 | Pasteur | Reported that silkworm deaths were attributable to two diseases. | Carter | Causation | General | Details |
1868 | Beale | Opposed germ theory on ground that microbes may be found in the lungs and intestiines of healthy people. | Waller | Miscellany | Bacteria | Details |
1868 | Chauveau | Presented evidence for the particulate nature of the cowpox agent. | Howard | Causation | Viruses | Details |
1868 | Hueter | Saw microbes in sepsis. | Bullock | Causation | Bacteria | Details |
1868 | Keber | Demonstrated the infectivity of vaccinia lymph after filtration, and observed objects of extremely small size. | Anon. | Causation | Viruses | Details |
1868 | Obermeier | Discovered spirochaete of relapsing fever. | Anon. | Causation | Bacteria | Details |
1868 | Oertel | Saw microbes in diphtheria. | Bullock | Causation | Bacteria | Details |
1868 | Tommasi | With Hueter, implicated microbes in diphtheria. | Bullock | Causation | Bacteria | Details |
1868 | Villemin | Published his evidence for the inoculability of tuberculosis. | Lechevalier | Causation | Bacteria | Details |
1868 | Wucherer | Reported the presence of filarial larvae in human urine. | Grove | Causation | Helminths | Details |
1868 | Wunderlich | Reported on significance of temperature in disease. | Anon. | Miscellany | General | Details |
1869 | Drognat-Landre | Published non-microbiological evidence for infectious nature of leprosy. | Harboe | Causation | Bacteria | Details |
1869 | Fedchenko | Observed Dracunculus larvae in crustacean host. | Grove | Miscellany | Helminths | Details |
1869 | Gamgee | Made erroneous pronouncement re babesiosis. | Anon. | Causation | Protozoa | Details |
1869 | Hoffman | a. Used potato as solid medium for cultivation of microbes. | Garrison | Miscellany | Bacteria | Details |
1869 | Hoffman | b. Reported use of vegetable dye (carmine) to stain bacteria. | Anon. | Miscellany | Bacteria | Details |
1869 | Huter | Saw bacteria in fluid squeezed from a puncture in erysipelatous skin. | Foster | Causation | Bacteria | Details |
1869 | Klebs | Introduced hard paraffin (paraffin wax) for embedding objects in preparation for sectioning and microscopic examination. | Anon. | Microscopy | General | Details |
1869 | Oliver | Did experiments (reported in 1870) suggesting that Taenia saginata is acquired by eating measly beef. | Grove | Causation | Helminths | Details |
1869 | Pasteur | Reported two enteric ferments associated with the silkworm disease flacherie. | Carter | Causation | General | Details |
1869 | Salisbury | Made insupportable claim that measles, typhoid and malaria were caused by fungi. | Waller | Causation | Fungi | Details |
1869 | Trendelburg | Reported experimental infection of rabbits with diphtheria. | Foster | Causation | Bacteria | Details |
1870 | Cramer | Reported that granules in Beggiatoa are made of sulfur. | Doetsch | Miscellany | General | Details |
1870 | Fedchenko | Reported the transmission of a nematode parasite (Dracunculus) by ingestion of an infected crustacean (Cyclops). | Grove | Miscellany | Helminths | Details |
1870 | Klebs | Introduced use of unglazed clay cells, connected to air pump, for filtering out bacteria. | Waterson | Miscellany | Bacteria | Details |
1870 | Langhans | Reported erythrocytes inside leucocytes around hemorrhagic foci. | Anon. | Immunology | General | Details |
1870 | Lewis | Saw amebae in cholera stools, and recognized that they were not the causative agent. | Foster | Miscellany | Protozoa | Details |
1870 | Nassiloff | Saw microbes in diphtheria. | Bullock | Causation | Bacteria | Details |
1870 | Pasteur | a. Published major book on silkworm diseases. | Carter | Causation | General | Details |
1870 | Sanderson | Confirmed Chauveau's evidence for the particulate nature of the cowpox agent. | Anon. | Causation | Viruses | Details |
1870 | Winge | Saw microbes in endocarditis. | Bullock | Miscellany | General | Details |
1871 | Bastian | Reported his strong opposition to the germ theory of disease. | Worboys | Miscellany | General | Details |
1871 | Hansen | Saw rod-shaped microbe in leprosy. | Long | Causation | Bacteria | Details |
1871 | Klebs | Found that anthrax germs could be removed from a solution by filter. | Anon. | Miscellany | Bacteria | Details |
1871 | Oertel | Infected rabbits with diphtheria by injecting tissue from human false membrane into trachea. | Anon. | Causation | Bacteria | Details |
1871 | Pasteur | Began investigations on the fermentation responsible for the production of beer. | Geison | Miscellany | General | Details |
1871 | Recklinghausen | Implicated microbes in sepsis. | Bullock | Causation | Bacteria | Details |
1871 | Tiegel | Reported result of filtering anthrax blood through plaster of Paris. | Anon. | Causation | Bacteria | Details |
1871 | Weigert | Stained bacteria with carmine. | Garrison | Miscellany | Bacteria | Details |
1872 | Birch-Hirschfeld | Reported that cocci injected into the bloodstream may be engulfed by leucocytes. | Anon. | Immunology | Bacteria | Details |
1872 | Cohn | Published book on bacteria, one of his many contributions to bacteriology. | Doetsch | Miscellany | Bacteria | Details |
1872 | Cohn | Saw microbes in sepsis. | Bullock | Causation | Bacteria | Details |
1872 | Coze | With Feltz, published summary of work on bacteria and putrid blood. | Bullock | Causation | Bacteria | Details |
1872 | Davaine | Reported studies on septicemia and putrefaction. | Bullock | Causation | Bacteria | Details |
1872 | Eberth | Added to Davaine's already strong evidence for the bacterial causation of anthrax. | Anon. | Causation | Bacteria | Details |
1872 | Eberth | Saw microbes in diphtheria. | Bullock | Causation | Bacteria | Details |
1872 | Eberth | Saw microbes in endocarditis. | Bullock | Causation | Bacteria | Details |
1872 | Heiberg | Saw microbes in endocarditis. | Bullock | Causation | Bacteria | Details |
1872 | Lewis | Reported the presence of filarial larvae in human blood. | Grove | Miscellany | Helminths | Details |
1872 | Schroeter | Reported his studies on the occurrence of pure cultures of microbes on the cut surface of boiled potatoes. | Brock | Miscellany | Bacteria | Details |
1872 | Vulpian | Supported findings of Davaine and suggested that septicemia could be called bacteremia. | Bullock | Causation | Bacteria | Details |
1872 | Waldeyer | Microbes in endocarditis. | Bullock | Causation | Bacteria | Details |
1873 | Abbe | a. Published new theoretical basis for image formation in microscopy. Introduced concept of numerical aperture. | Bradbury | Microscopy | General | Details |
1873 | Abbe | b. Developed a two-lens condenser ("illuminator") for use with his objectives. | Anon. | Microscopy | General | Details |
1873 | Budd | Recognized contagious nature of typhoid fever, and proposed, on epidemiological grounds, a microbiological causation. | Cirillo | Causation | Bacteria | Details |
1873 | Davaine | Reported the antiseptic property of iodine and other chemicals. | Geison | Miscellany | General | Details |
1873 | Hansen | Saw microbes in lymph nodes of leprosy cases. | Birch | Causation | Bacteria | Details |
1873 | Klebs | a. Saw microbes in sepsis. | Bullock | Causation | Bacteria | Details |
1873 | Klebs | b. Tried (successfully?) to induce tuberculosis in animals by injecton of milk. | Evans | Causation | Bacteria | Details |
1873 | Klebs | Described a germ, Microsporon diphtheriticum, as causative agent of diphtheria. | Anon. | Causation | Bacteria | Details |
1873 | Koch | Began work on anthrax; saw rods in sheep blood and evidence of spore formation. | Brock | Miscellany | Bacteria | Details |
1873 | Loesch | Described Entamoeba histolytica. | Foster | Causation | Protozoa | Details |
1873 | Muller | Suggested that bacteria, in nature, may convert ammonia to nitric acid. | Doetsch | Miscellany | Bacteria | Details |
1873 | Murchison | Traced a London typhoid outbreak to polluted milk, but did not accept germ theory of infection. | Anon. | Causation | Bacteria | Details |
1873 | Obermeier | Observed spirochaete of relapsing fever. | Norman | Causation | Bacteria | Details |
1873 | Rivolta | Reported an organism in lesions of horses, and named it Cryptococcus farciminosum. | Anon. | Causation | Fungi | Details |
1873 | Thaon | With Grancher, supported findings of Villemin concerning transmissibility of tuberculosis. | Norman | Causation | Bacteria | Details |
1873 | Tolles | Designed and made a homogeneous immersion system. | Bradbury | Microscopy | General | Details |
1874 | Anon. | Vaccinaton of infants against smallpox made a legal reguirement in Germany. | Schreiber | Immunology | Viruses | Details |
1874 | Cohn | Described what would now be called actinomycosis, in the lachrymal canal. | Anon. | Causation | Bacteria | Details |
1874 | Hansen | Reported observation of a bacterium in leprosy. | Foster | Causation | Bacteria | Details |
1874 | Jurgensen | Argued that lobar pneumonia is infectious and caused by a specific agent as with typhoid. | Anon. | Causation | Bacteria | Details |
1874 | Panum | Suggested that leucocytes played role in the body's defense against bacteria. | Anon. | Immunology | Bacteria | Details |
1874 | Pasteur | Argued that putrefaction was microbe-induced. | Carter | Causation | General | Details |
1874 | Roberts | Noted that "most observers" recognized that the air carries large numbers of fungal spores. | Anon. | Miscellany | Fungi | Details |
1874 | Roberts | Reported observations on antagonism between bacteria and microscopic fungi such as Penicillium glaucum. | Lechevalier | Miscellany | Bacteria | Details |
1875 | Anon. | At meetings of the Pathological Society of London, the germ theory of disease was hotly debated. | Foster | Miscellany | General | Details |
1875 | Anon. | Introduced "differentiation" to the staining of tissues. | Anon. | Microscopy | General | Details |
1875 | Brauell | Observed anthrax bacillus in human. | Schwabe | Causation | Bacteria | Details |
1875 | Eberth | Found bacteria on surface of human skin and in sweat glands and hair follicles. | Anon. | Causation | Bacteria | Details |
1875 | Feser | Found bacteria in cattle blackleg. | Stalheim | Causation | Bacteria | Details |
1875 | Kelsch | Saw malarial pigment in clear protoplasmic bodies as well as in leucocytes; did not recognize these bodies as parasites. | Harrison | Miscellany | Protozoa | Details |
1875 | Klebs | Reported inconclusive evidence of the microbial causation of pneumonia. | Foster | Causation | Bacteria | Details |
1875 | Koch | Developed method for culture of anthrax bacilli, and observed complete spore formation. | Brock | Causation | Bacteria | Details |
1875 | Losch | Reported amebae as almost certain cause of severe dysentery in a human. | Ackerknecht | Causation | Protozoa | Details |
1875 | McConnell | Reported a new trematode, Clonorchis (Asiatic liver fluke) and described its pathogenicity. | Grove | Causation | Helminths | Details |
1875 | O'Neill | Reported microfilariae (of Onchocerca) in human skin. | Grove | Causation | Helminths | Details |
1875 | Pasteur | Claimed that ammoniacal urine was the result of microbial action. | Carter | Miscellany | General | Details |
1875 | Rokitansky | Was first to show bacteria in lesions of endocarditis. | Garrison | Causation | Bacteria | Details |
1875 | Schroter | Used potato as solid medium, and identified bacteria by characteristics of culture. | Anon. | Miscellany | Bacteria | Details |
1875 | Weigert | Published comprehensive analysis of the nature of bacteria. | Bullock | Causation | General | Details |
1875 | Weigert | Stained bacteria with aniline dye, "methyl violet." | Long | Miscellany | Bacteria | Details |
1876 | Anon. | Exhibited the latest advances in the design of microscopes. | Richards | Microscopy | General | Details |
1876 | Bancroft | Found adult Wuchereria bancrofti in a lymphatic abscess and in hydrocoel in a human. | Grove | Causation | Helminths | Details |
1876 | Bausch | Began factory production methods for microscopes. | Richards | Microscopy | General | Details |
1876 | Bollinger | Recognized infectious nature of actinomycosis. | Rippon | Causation | Bacteria | Details |
1876 | Cohn | Found heat-resistant spore of Bacillus subtilis (published in following year). | Garrison | Miscellany | Bacteria | Details |
1876 | Cohn | Published major study of heat in the sterilization of various liquids and solids. | Anon. | Miscellany | General | Details |
1876 | Fuerbringer | Reported that the fungus Mucor was an agent of pulmonary disease in humans. | Anon. | Causation | Fungi | Details |
1876 | Klebs | Published comprehensive theory of the bacterial causation of disease. | Carter (see Notes) | Causation | Bacteria | Details |
1876 | Koch | a. Asserted bacterial causation of anthrax and demonstrated evidence in public. | Norman | Causation | Bacteria | Details |
1876 | Koch | b. Reported bacteria in local lymph cells of frog after implantation of infected tissue. | Anon. | Causation | Bacteria | Details |
1876 | Koch | c. Used hanging drop method for study of anthrax bacillus. | Anon. | Miscellany | Bacteria | Details |
1876 | Koch | d. Introduced the use of the white mouse as a laboratory animal. | Brock 1999 | Miscellany | General | Details |
1876 | Krishnaswami | With Whitmore, described a bacillus in melioidosis. | Lee | Miscellany | Bacteria | Details |
1876 | Normand | Reported Strongyloides (Anguillula) stercoralis as a new nematode parasite of humans. | Grove | Causation | Helminths | Details |
1876 | Pasteur | a. Cultured an organism and used its "ferment" to make urine ammoniacal. | Carter | Causation | General | Details |
1876 | Pasteur | b. Published book on the role of microbes in production of beer. | Lechevalier | Miscellany | General | Details |
1876 | Pasteur | c. Sterilization by heat at 115 - 120 C under pressure. | Collard | Miscellany | General | Details |
1876 | Salomonsen | Introduced a capillary-tube method for isolating bacteria from putrefying blood. | Doetsch | Miscellany | Bacteria | Details |
1876 | Tyndall | a. Reported antagonism between a mold (Penicillium) and bacteria in vitro. | Lechevalier | Miscellany | General | Details |
1876 | Tyndall | b. Produced experimental evidence for the transport of microbes by airborne particles. | Waller | Miscellany | General | Details |
1876 | Weigert | Saw microbes in sepsis. | Bullock | Causation | Bacteria | Details |
1877 | Bert | Reported evidence allegedly refuting Koch's claim that anthrax was caused by a bacterium. | Howard | Causation | Bacteria | Details |
1877 | Bilroth | Introduced term "streptococcus." | Foster | Miscellany | Bacteria | Details |
1877 | Burrill | Reported micro-organisms as possible agents of disease in plants. | Doetsch | Causation | Bacteria | Details |
1877 | Cohn | Reported that the hay bacillus has a heat-resistant spore form. | Brock (1961) | Miscellany | Bacteria | Details |
1877 | Harz | Described actinomycosis in cattle. | Anon. | Causation | Fungi | Details |
1877 | Koch | a. Published powerful evidence of the bacterial causation of anthrax, and described life cycle of the responsible bacillus. | Brock (1961) | Causation | Bacteria | Details |
1877 | Koch | b. Published the first photomicrographs of bacteria. | Brock | Microscopy | Bacteria | Details |
1877 | Koch | c. Used water-immersion lens to study bacteria. | Anon. | Miscellany | Bacteria | Details |
1877 | Koch | d. Made dry films of bacteria and stained them with methylene blue. | Brock | Miscellany | Bacteria | Details |
1877 | Pasteur | a. Reported microbial causation of anthrax. | Carter | Causation | Bacteria | Details |
1877 | Pasteur | b. Reported that the anthrax bacillus was infective to guinea-pigs even when grown for many generations in the absence of blood. | Foster | Causation | Bacteria | Details |
1877 | Pasteur | c. With Joubert, reported apparent bacterial antagonism. | Lechevalier | Miscellany | Bacteria | Details |
1877 | Powell | With Lealand, made water-immersion objective of 1/8" focus and numerical aperture of 1.26. | Bradbury | Microscopy | General | Details |
1877 | Schloesing | With Muntz, demonstrated that nitrate in soil was produced by "nitrifying" micro-organisms. | Doetsch | Miscellany | Bacteria | Details |
1877 | Tyndall | Reported that bacteria must have a heat-resistant form. | Brock | Miscellany | Bacteria | Details |
1878 | Grassi | With Parona, described life cycle of Strongyloides stercoralis. | Grove | Miscellany | Helminths | Details |
1878 | Grassi | With Parona, reported that hookworm infections could be diagnosed in living patients by detection of eggs in fecal examination. | Norman | Miscellany | Helminths | Details |
1878 | Israel | With Ponfick, described in humans what would be called actinomycosis, and isolated the agent. | Anon. | Causation | Fungi | Details |
1878 | Koch | Published evidence of bacterial causation of wound infections in various animals. | Brock | Causation | Bacteria | Details |
1878 | Lewis | Found trypanosomes in blood of rat. | Foster | Causation | Protozoa | Details |
1878 | Lister | Reported detailed study of lactic fermentation in the souring of milk. | Doetsch | Miscellany | General | Details |
1878 | Manson | Reported first insect vector of a human disease. | Grove | Causation | Helminths | Details |
1878 | Pasteur | a. Confirmed microorganisms as cause of flacherie in silkworms. | Carter | Causation | General | Details |
1878 | Pasteur | b. Described an anaerobic organism associated with putrid material and causing septicemia in animals. | Anon. | Miscellany | Bacteria | Details |
1878 | Perroncito | Described agent of fowl cholera (later Pasteurella multocida). | Anon. | Causation | Bacteria | Details |
1878 | Pettenkofer | Appointed, while unsupportive of germ theory, to a chair of hygiene at Munich. | Anon. | Miscellany | General | Details |
1878 | Powell | With Lealand, improved on the achromatic condenser lenses that they had been making for some years. | Bradbury | Microscopy | General | Details |
1878 | Sedillot | Proposed "microbe" as a general term for a microscopic organism. | Lechevalier | Miscellany | General | Details |
1878 | Stephenson | Published proposal for homogeneous immersion. | Ford | Microscopy | General | Details |
1878 | Toussaint | Extended Perroncito's work on the agent of fowl cholera (later Pasteurella septica); sent agent to Pasteur. | Geison | Causation | Bacteria | Details |
1879 | Abbe | Advocated use of homogeneous immersion system. | Bradbury | Microscopy | General | Details |
1879 | Afanasiev | Suggested that malaria is caused by black pigment seen in the tissues of victims, perhaps of protozoal origin. | Bruce-Chwatt | Causation | Protozoa | Details |
1879 | Anon. | Clarified "sepsis" and "pyaemia." | Bullock | Miscellany | General | Details |
1879 | Anon. | Reported that most physicians had given up belief in Spontaneous Generation even before Pasteur's experiments. | Carter | Miscellany | General | Details |
1879 | Burrill | Reported further evidence of microbial nature of disease in plants. | Doetsch | Causation | Bacteria | Details |
1879 | Galtier | Reported transmission of rabies from dogs to rabbits. | Geison | Miscellany | Viruses | Details |
1879 | Klebs | Inoculated syphilis into apes and probably saw the spirochaete. | Norman | Causation | Bacteria | Details |
1879 | Koch | Published classic paper on the "etiology of traumatic infective diseases." | Brock | Causation | Bacteria | Details |
1879 | Law | Published Lung Plague, describing pleuropneumonia in cattle in U.S.A. | Stalheim | Miscellany | Bacteria | Details |
1879 | Leber | Reported a case of mycotic keratitis, and described the organism in the cornea as Aspergillus. | Anon. | Causation | Fungi | Details |
1879 | Manson | Described fungal agent of a tropical ringworm. | Ainsworth | Causation | Fungi | Details |
1879 | Neisser | Extended Hansen's 1874 observations on germs in leprosy. | Foster | Causation | Bacteria | Details |
1879 | Neisser | Reported a micro-organism clearly associated with gonorrhea. | Foster | Causation | Bacteria | Details |
1879 | Pasteur | Isolated pathogenic staphylococci and streptococci. | Foster | Causation | Bacteria | Details |
1880 | Abbe | Designed binocular microscope. | Bradbury | Microscopy | General | Details |
1880 | Anon. | Oil-immersion objectives took over from water-immersion objectives for the most demanding microscopical work. | Bradbury | Microscopy | General | Details |
1880 | Cohnheim | Reported tuberculosis in rabbit eye following inoculation. | Garrison | Causation | Bacteria | Details |
1880 | Eberth | a. Described germs in pneumonia. | Anon. | Causation | Bacteria | Details |
1880 | Eberth | b. With Gaffky, reported bacillus as causative organism of typhoid fever. | Garrison | Causation | Bacteria | Details |
1880 | Evans | Described the trypanosome agent of surra in horses. | Foster | Causation | Protozoa | Details |
1880 | Ewart | Said in lecture that leucocytes (and kidney) attacked inoculated anthrax bacilli in animals. | Anon. | Immunology | Bacteria | Details |
1880 | Fowler | Reported a clinical correlation between tonsillitis and subsequent rheumatic fever. | Anon. | Miscellany | Bacteria | Details |
1880 | Koch | a. Reported role of specific bacteria in the etiology of particular dieeases (wound infections, sepsis and others). | Brock (1961) | Causation | Bacteria | Details |
1880 | Koch | b. Discovered delayed hypersensitivity (cell-mediated immunity) in tuberculosis. | Bellanti | Immunology | Bacteria | Details |
1880 | Laveran | Discovered agent (Plasmodium) of malaria. | Foster | Causation | Protozoa | Details |
1880 | Manson | Published further evidence of the mosquito as vector of filariasis. | Grove | Causation | Helminths | Details |
1880 | Pasteur | a. Reported immunization by attenuation of a bacterium -- the agent of fowl cholera. | Geison | Immunology | Bacteria | Details |
1880 | Pasteur | b. Reported germs responsible for boils and puerperal fever. | Garrison | Causation | Bacteria | Details |
1880 | Pasteur | c. Observed agent of lobar pneumonia. | Anon. | Causation | Bacteria | Details |
1880 | Toussaint | a. Reported immunization of cattle against anthrax by filtered-heated blood. | Foster | Immunology | Bacteria | Details |
1880 | Toussaint | b. Reported immunization against anthrax by chemically attenuated germs. | Geison | Immunology | Bacteria | Details |
1881 | Aufrecht | Probably saw tuberculosis bacillus. | Garrison | Causation | Bacteria | Details |
1881 | Bechamp | Started publishing concept of microzymas. | Anon. | Causation | General | Details |
1881 | Braun | Infected dogs with Diphyllobothrium by feeding plerocercoid larvae from fish. | Anon. | Causation | Helminths | Details |
1881 | Ehrlich | Reported the utility of the basic dye, methylene blue, for staining acid-fast bacteria. | Anon. | Miscellany | Bacteria | Details |
1881 | Finlay | Presented paper on his hypothesis that Yellow Fever is transmitted by mosquitoes. | Anon. | Causation | Viruses | Details |
1881 | Galtier | a. Reported rabies transmission from dogs to guinea-pigs. | Foster | Causation | Viruses | Details |
1881 | Galtier | b. Reported immunization of sheep vs. rabies by injection of saliva of rabid dogs. | Geison | Immunology | Viruses | Details |
1881 | Koch | a. Published landmark paper on bacteriological methods, including solid medium for pure culture. | Brock (1961) | Miscellany | Bacteria | Details |
1881 | Koch | b. With Gaffky and Loeffler: reported data that served as basis for successful autoclave procedures. | Brock | Miscellany | General | Details |
1881 | Loeffler | Published formula for "nutrient broth." | Anon. | Miscellany | General | Details |
1881 | Ogston | Reported cluster-forming germ as agent of septic abscess. | Garrison | Causation | Bacteria | Details |
1881 | Pasteur | a. Reported immunization against anthrax by attenuated bacteria. | Geison | Immunology | Bacteria | Details |
1881 | Pasteur | b. Carried out his famous public demonstration of anthrax vaccination. | Foster | Immunology | Bacteria | Details |
1881 | Pasteur | c. Published reports on a germ that was probably the diplococcus of pneumonia. | Sternberg | Causation | Bacteria | Details |
1881 | Pasteur | d. Reported transmission of rabies by intracranial inoculation of brain tissue. | Geison | Causation | Viruses | Details |
1881 | Sternberg | Published studies on a germ from human saliva that caused septicemia in rabbits. | Anon. | Causation | Bacteria | Details |
1881 | Tappeiner | Transmitted tuberculosis from human to dog by inhalation. | Foster | Causation | Bacteria | Details |
1881 | Warington | Confirmed nitrification by soil bacteria. | Doetsch | Miscellany | Bacteria | Details |
1882 | Baumgarten | Reported discovery of a bacillus in unstained tuberculosis tissue. | Garrison | Causation | Bacteria | Details |
1882 | Braun | Infected humans with Diphyllobothrium by feeding them plerocercoid larvae from fish. | Grove | Causation | Helminths | Details |
1882 | Ehrlich | Reported an improved method for staining the tubercle bacillus (and other acid-fact bacteria). | Brock | Miscellany | Bacteria | Details |
1882 | Friedlander | Reported diplococci (pneumococci) in large numbers in lung sections taken at autopsy in cases of pneumonia. | Anon. | Causation | Bacteria | Details |
1882 | Hesse | Introduced agar as solidifying agent for culture of bacteria. | Brock | Miscellany | Bacteria | Details |
1882 | Koch | a. Reported discovery of the tuberculosis bacillus. | Lechevalier | Causation | Bacteria | Details |
1882 | Koch | b. Reported, as an incidental remark, the value of agar in bacteriological media. | Brock | Miscellany | Bacteria | Details |
1882 | Koch | c. Used heat to get methylene blue into waxy envelope of tubercle bacilli so as to stain them. | Anon. | Miscellany | Bacteria | Details |
1882 | Leuckart | Reported Fasciola in snail intermediate host, Lymnaea truncatula. | Foster | Causation | Helminths | Details |
1882 | Loeffler | With Schultz, isolated agent of glanders (later named Actinobacillus). | Lechevalier | Causation | Bacteria | Details |
1882 | Metchnikoff | Reported the phenomenon of phagocytosis. | Silverstein | Immunology | General | Details |
1882 | Ogston | Introduced name Staphylococcus for germ found in clusters, like bunches of grapes. | Brock | Miscellany | Bacteria | Details |
1882 | Pasteur | a. Reported transmission of rabies by intravenous, rather than intracranial, inoculation. | Geison | Miscellany | Viruses | Details |
1882 | Pasteur | b. Reported that some dogs could survive rabies and become immune to subsequent challenge. | Geison | Immunology | Viruses | Details |
1882 | Pasteur | c. With Thuillier, reported agent of swine erysipelas. | Bullock | Causation | Bacteria | Details |
1882 | Talamon | Reported at a meeting, the presence of diplococci in the lungs of pneumonia cases. | Foster | Causation | Bacteria | Details |
1882 | Thomas | Reported Fasciola in snail intermediate host (Lymnaea truncatula). | Foster | Causation | Helminths | Details |
1882 | Thuiller | Demonstrated to German observers the effectiveness of Pasture's anthrax vaccine. | Brock | Immunology | Bacteria | Details |
1882 | Ziehl | Used phenol (instead of Ehrlich's aniline water) with methyl violet for staining tubercle bacilli. | Brock | Miscellany | Bacteria | Details |
1883 | Fehleisen | Reported the causative agent of erysipelas, a chain-forming coccus. | Foster | Causation | Bacteria | Details |
1883 | Garre | Proved infectivity of Staphylococcus pyogenes for humans. | Foster | Causation | Bacteria | Details |
1883 | Klebs | Reported bacilli in the false membrane of diphtheria. | Anon. | Causation | Bacteria | Details |
1883 | Koch | Discovered and cultured agent of cholera; confirmed and reported in the following year. | Brock | Causation | Bacteria | Details |
1883 | Koch | Observed ameboid parasites in sections of intestinal ulcer and hepatic abscess. | Foster | Causation | Protozoa | Details |
1883 | Loeffler | Published firstl statement of Koch's Postulates, as guide to the establishment of disease causation by a mibroorganism. | Brock | Causation | Bacteria | Details |
1883 | Neelsen | Modified Ziehl's method of staining tubercle bacilli. | Brock | Miscellany | Bacteria | Details |
1883 | Pasteur | a. With Thuillier, reported that passage of swine-fever microbe through rabbits decreased its virulence for swine. | Bullock | Miscellany | General | Details |
1883 | Thuillier | Died of cholera in Egypt while trying to discover its cause. | Lechevalier | Miscellany | Bacteria | Details |
1883 | Wakker | Reported the bacterial causation of Yellow Disease in hyacinths. | Lechevalier | Causation | Bacteria | Details |
1884 | Anon. | Campaign begun to control bovine pleuropneumonia in USA. | Stalheim | Miscellany | Bacteria | Details |
1884 | Anon. | Introduced first commercial autoclaves. | Anon. | Miscellany | General | Details |
1884 | Chamberland | Described candle-shaped porcelain filter for ridding drinking water of microbes. | Lechevalier | Miscellany | Bacteria | Details |
1884 | Finkler | With Prior, reported the presence of comma shaped bacteria in feces of patients with diarrhea (not cholera). | Anon. | Causation | Bacteria | Details |
1884 | Fraenkel | Discovered agent of pneumonia. | Garrison | Causation | Bacteria | Details |
1884 | Gaffky | Reported confirmation of Eberth's claim for bacillus as germ of typhoid. | Foster | Causation | Bacteria | Details |
1884 | Gerhardt | Transmitted malaria by injection. | Jaramillo | Causation | Protozoa | Details |
1884 | Gram | Reported improved stain for bacteria. | Brock (1961) | Miscellany | Bacteria | Details |
1884 | Kitasato | Reported confirmation of "Nicolaier's Bacillus" as causative agent of tetanus. | Foster | Causation | Bacteria | Details |
1884 | Klein | May have swallowed cholera bacteria to test causation of disease. | Waller | Causation | Bacteria | Details |
1884 | Koch | a. Published "Koch's Postulates" governing the proof of disease causation. | Brock | Causation | General | Details |
1884 | Koch | b. Reported that chlorine, bromine and mercuric chloride were good disinfectants. | Anon. | Miscellany | Bacteria | Details |
1884 | Koch | c. Published 88-page work "The Etiology of Tuberculosis," expanding the demonstration of 1882. | Brock | Causation | Bacteria | Details |
1884 | Koch | d. Reported discovery of the causative agent of cholera (now Vibrio cholerae) and its growth in pure culture. | Brock | Causation | Bacteria | Details |
1884 | Landouzy | Recognized infectious nature of herpes zoster. | Lee | Causation | Viruses | Details |
1884 | Lichtheim | Reported experimental infection of rabbits with Mucor spp. | Anon. | Causation | Fungi | Details |
1884 | Loeffler | a. Developed alkaline methylene blue as stain for bacteria. | Anon. | Miscellany | Bacteria | Details |
1884 | Loeffler | b. Reported agent of diphtheria. | Garrison | Causation | Bacteria | Details |
1884 | Loeffler | c. Found agent of hog cholera. | Anon. | Causation | Bacteria | Details |
1884 | Loeffler | d. Reported probable causation of scarlet fever by streptococcal germs. | Foster | Causation | Bacteria | Details |
1884 | Metchnikoff | a. Reported phagocytosis in Daphnia. | Bibel | Immunology | Fungi | Details |
1884 | Metchnikoff | b. Reported phagocytosis in anthrax, and promoted cellular theory of immunity. | Silverstein | Immunology | Bacteria | Details |
1884 | Nicolaier | Reported causative agent (bacillus) of tetanus. | Garrison | Causation | Bacteria | Details |
1884 | Pasteur | a. Reported attenuation of rabies by passage in monkeys. | Geison | Immunology | Viruses | Details |
1884 | Pasteur | b. Vaccinated dogs against rabies. | Anon. | Immunology | Viruses | Details |
1884 | Rosenbach | Isolated staphylococci in pure culture from wounds. | Foster | Causation | Bacteria | Details |
1884 | Weeks | With Koch, discovered the bacillus of pink-eye, later named Haemophilus aegyptius. | Lee | Causation | Bacteria | Details |
1885 | Arthur | Provided final proof of bacterial causation of plant disease. | Doetsch | Causation | Bacteria | Details |
1885 | Babes | With Cornil, reported antagonism between different species of bacteria, and speculated about therapeutic value. | Collard | Miscellany | Bacteria | Details |
1885 | Bunn | Reported that cultures of Neisser's gonococcus cause gonorrhea. | Foster | Causation | Bacteria | Details |
1885 | Cantini | Attempted to exploit bacterial antagonism in the treatment of human disease. | Lechevalier | Miscellany | Bacteria | Details |
1885 | Carrion | By self-inoculation demonstrated infectiousnes of verruga peruana, and its link to Oroya Fever (bartonellosis). | Knobloch | Causation | Bacteria | Details |
1885 | Escherich | Discovered the enteric bacterium later known as Escherichia coli. | Friedmann | Miscellany | Bacteria | Details |
1885 | Ferran | Attempted to control a cholera epidemic with an attenuated vaccine. | Foster | Immunology | Bacteria | Details |
1885 | Hansen | Advocated seclusion of lepers, in Norway. | Anon. | Miscellany | Bacteria | Details |
1885 | Kitasato | Made first pure culture of tetanus bacillus. | Lechevalier | Causation | Bacteria | Details |
1885 | Loeffler | With Frosch, found cause of foot-and-mouth disease. | Lechevalier | Causation | General | Details |
1885 | Mayer | Demonstrated the contagiousness of tobacco mosaic disease. | Lechevalier | Causation | Viruses | Details |
1885 | Millardet | Reported protective effect of Bordeaux Mixture (copper sulfate and lime) against mildew, Plasmopara viticola, of grapes. | Anon. | Miscellany | Fungi | Details |
1885 | Osler | Suggested role of bacteria in rheumatic fever. | Lee | Miscellany | Bacteria | Details |
1885 | Paltauf | Reported disseminated fungal infection (mucor mycosis) in a human. | Anon. | Causation | Fungi | Details |
1885 | Pasteur | a. Tested a "therapeutic" rabies vaccine in humans with clinical rabies, obtaining equivocal results that were never reported. | Geison | Immunology | Viruses | Details |
1885 | Pasteur | b. Conducted (and reported) trials of "therapeutic" rabies vaccine in humans during presumptive prepatent period of disease. | Geison | Immunology | Viruses | Details |
1885 | Power | With Klein, reported that an outbreak of scarlet fever was caused by milk-borne streptococci. | Foster | Causation | Bacteria | Details |
1885 | Roux | With Yersin, first described antitoxins. | Bellanti | Immunology | Bacteria | Details |
1885 | Salmon | Isolated enteric pathogen from swine. | Norman | Causation | Bacteria | Details |
1886 | Abbe | Introduced apochromatic objectives. | Bradbury | Microscopy | General | Details |
1886 | Bergmann | Introduced steam sterilization. | Anon. | Miscellany | General | Details |
1886 | Buist | Reported that he had seen and measured viral elementary bodies in lymph taken from a cowpox inoculation ulcer. | Williams | Causation | Viruses | Details |
1886 | Calandruccio | Infected himself with Trichuris (whipworm) by ingesting eggs. | Grove | Causation | Helminths | Details |
1886 | Escherich | Published monograph on micro-organisms of the normal intestine. | Garrison | Miscellany | Bacteria | Details |
1886 | Fraenkel | Confirmed pneumococcus as cause of lobar pneumonia and as the salivary germ known to cause septicemia in rabbits. | Anon. | Causation | Bacteria | Details |
1886 | Golgi | Described 2 species of the parasite (Plasmodium) that causes human malaria. | Bruce-Chwatt | Miscellany | Protozoa | Details |
1886 | Leichtenstern | Infected humans with hookworm by giving larvae orally. | Foster | Miscellany | Helminths | Details |
1886 | Lindt | Extended the work of Lichtheim showing additional species of Mucor to be pathogenic to rabbits. | Anon. | Causation | Fungi | Details |
1886 | Ross | Reported (per Manson) that early development of human malaria parasite occurred rapidly in stomach of mosquito. | Foster | Causation | Protozoa | Details |
1886 | Salmon | With Smith, reported successful immunization of pigeons against Salmonella by injecting them with heat-killed Salmonella. | Lechevalier | Immunology | Bacteria | Details |
1886 | Weichselbaum | Reported that pneumonia could be caused by more than one kind of germ. | Foster | Causation | Bacteria | Details |
1887 | Arloing | With Cornevin Thomas, showed inoculability of blackleg in cattle. | Stalheim | Causation | Bacteria | Details |
1887 | Bristowe | Published major medical textbook, fully accepting the germ theory. | Bynum | Miscellany | General | Details |
1887 | Bruce | Reported isolation of a micrococcus from cases of Malta Fever (undulant fever, brucellosis). | Garrison | Causation | Bacteria | Details |
1887 | Chantemesse | With Widal, published first differential media. | Collard | Miscellany | Bacteria | Details |
1887 | Garre | Reported that a product of Pseudomonas inhibited growth of other bacteria. | Anon. | Miscellany | Bacteria | Details |
1887 | Hlava | Confirmed Entamoeba histolytica as cause of dysentery. | Imperato | Causation | Protozoa | Details |
1887 | Kartulis | Reported amebae in pus from liver abscess, confirming their suspected role in pathogenesis. | Foster | Causation | Protozoa | Details |
1887 | Loeffler | Reported immunity in guinea pigs that had survived experimental diphtheria infection. | Foster | Immunology | Bacteria | Details |
1887 | Loeffler | Wrote more-or-less contemporaneous review of history of bacteriology up to 1878. | Howard | Miscellany | N.A. | Details |
1887 | Petri | Described a dish particularly suited to Koch's new method of plating bacteria on solid media. | Norman | Miscellany | General | Details |
1887 | Weichelsbaum | Isolated a bacterium (coccus) form patients with meningitis. | Lee | Miscellany | Bacteria | Details |
1887 | Weichselbaum | Reported novel type of bacterium in post-mortum material from the brains of cases of cerebrospinal meningitis. | Garrison | Causation | Bacteria | Details |
1887 | Winogradsky | Reported the metabolism of sulfur by Beggiatoa and other "sulfur bacteria." | Anon. | Miscellany | General | Details |
1888 | Abbe | Introduced superior achromatic condenser. | Bradbury | Microscopy | General | Details |
1888 | Anon. | Pasteur Institute was opened in Paris, reflecting triumph of Pasteur -- and the germ theory. | Geison | Miscellany | General | Details |
1888 | Babes | Reported a parasite in erythrocytes of cattle with disease (babesiosis). | Foster | Causation | Protozoa | Details |
1888 | Beijerinck | Reported nitrogen-fixing bacteria in legumes. | Anon. | Miscellany | Bacteria | Details |
1888 | Brieger | Isolated microbial toxins. | Garrison | Miscellany | Bacteria | Details |
1888 | Bruce | Reported experimental infection of monkey with Micrococcus (now Brucella abortus). | Anon. | Causation | Bacteria | Details |
1888 | Chantemmesse | Isolated bacillus of dysentery. | Lee | Miscellany | Bacteria | Details |
1888 | Gaertner | Isolated and named Bacillus enteritidis (later Salmonella enteritidis) from an outbreak of gastro-enteritis. | Garrison | Causation | Bacteria | Details |
1888 | Gamaleia | Discovered agent of fibrinous pneumonia. | Garrison | Causation | Bacteria | Details |
1888 | Majima | Described disease of human liver associated with eggs later shown to be schistosome eggs. | Grove | Causation | Helminths | Details |
1888 | Nocard | Reported that farcin de boeuf in cattle is caused by an anaerobic actinomycete. | Anon. | Causation | Bacteria | Details |
1888 | Nuttall | Reported that anthrax bacilli, if not too numerous, are killed by normal serum (from non-immune animals). | Lechevalier | Immunology | Bacteria | Details |
1888 | Pasteur | Proposed deliberate microbial dissemination for control of rabbit populations. | Anon. | Miscellany | Bacteria | Details |
1888 | Roux | With Yersin, reported that the Klebs-Loeffler bacillus of diphtheria produced a toxin. | Silverstein | Immunology | Bacteria | Details |
1889 | Abbe | Produced (at Zeiss) an objective with the highest numerical aperture ever achieved: 1.63. | Bradbury | Microscopy | General | Details |
1889 | Baillon | Gave name Malassezia furfur to fungal agent of pityriasis versicolor and separated it from ringworm. | Anon. | Causation | Fungi | Details |
1889 | Behring | Studied antiseptic iodoform. | Anon. | Miscellany | Bacteria | Details |
1889 | Buchner | Confirmed Nuttall's report of the germicidal action of normal (non-immune) serum. | Garrison | Immunology | Bacteria | Details |
1889 | Celli | With Marchiafava, described the agent of malignant tertian malaria, Plasmodium falciparum.. | Bruce-Chwatt | Miscellany | Protozoa | Details |
1889 | Charrin | With Roger, reported first evidence of specific antibacterial substance in serum of immune animals. | Anon. | Immunology | Bacteria | Details |
1889 | Danilewski | Described morphology and distribution of malarial parasites of birds. | Bruce-Chwatt | Miscellany | Protozoa | Details |
1889 | Ducrey | Reported agent of soft chancre (chancroid). | Ackerman | Causation | Bacteria | Details |
1889 | Grassi | With Rovelli, reported flea as intermediate host for Dipylidium caninum. | Grove | Causation | Helminths | Details |
1889 | Kilborne | Initiated trials in cattle to test cattlemen's belief in ticks as source of Texas Fever (babesiosis). | Malone | Causation | Protozoa | Details |
1889 | Kitasato | Reported that tetanus is caused by Nicolaier's club-shaped, spore-forming bacillus. | Brock 1999 | Causation | Bacteria | Details |
1889 | Kitasato | Reported utility of indole production in differentiating between bacterial species.. | Collard | Miscellany | Bacteria | Details |
1889 | Kitasato | While working in Koch's laboratory, discovered the susceptibility of the mouse to tetanus.. | Anon. | Miscellany | Bacteria | Details |
1889 | Loeffler | Isolated from sick laboratory mice the germ later known as Salmonella typhimurium. | Anon. | Causation | Bacteria | Details |
1889 | Pfeiffer | Used cross-immunization of guinea pigs with two similar species of bacteria to show specificity of immune response. | Lechevalier | Immunology | Bacteria | Details |
1889 | Smith | Observed intra-erythrocytic protozoan parasites in a case of Texas Cattle Fever. | Foster | Causation | Protozoa | Details |
1889 | Winogradski | Reported that some bacteria (autotrophs) can grow in medium containing only carbon dioxide and inorganic salts. | Lechevalier | Miscellany | Bacteria | Details |
1890 | Abbe | Reported technique for the use of fluorite in microscope lenses. | Bradbury | Microscopy | General | Details |
1890 | Anon. | Initiated a program to eradicate hydatidosis from Iceland. | Anon. | Miscellany | Helminths | Details |
1890 | Behring | a. Reported, with Kitasato, first evidence that infection (tetanus) resulted in the presence in serum of substances capable of neutralizing foreign materials. | Brock (1961) | Immunology | Bacteria | Details |
1890 | Behring | b. Reported evidence that diphtheria (like tetanus) induces protective antibodies (antitoxin) in lab animals. | Brock (1961) | Immunology | Bacteria | Details |
1890 | Gasparini | Reported antagonism between various actinomycetes. | Lechevalier | Miscellany | Bacteria | Details |
1890 | Halsted | Introduced rubber gloves in surgical operations, though not to prevent transmission of germs. | Garrison | Miscellany | General | Details |
1890 | Koch | Announced, at a congress, his discovery of a substance capable of stopping the progress of tuberculosis in animals. | Brock | Immunology | Bacteria | Details |
1890 | Loeffler | Developed method of staining bacterial flagella. | Lechevalier | Miscellany | Bacteria | Details |
1890 | Maffucci | Isolated avian tubercle bacillus Bacillus gallinaceous. | Lee | Causation | Bacteria | Details |
1890 | Radam | Self-published a book on cure of diseases by killing microbes (undisclosed method). | Campbell | Miscellany | General | Details |
1890 | Smith | Introduced apparatus for visual observation of gas production during fermentation. | Collard | Miscellany | Bacteria | Details |
1890 | Winogradsky | Isolated nitrifying bacteria from soil, confirming and extending work of others in a very significant way. | Doetsch | Miscellany | Bacteria | Details |
1891 | Cerqueira | Described tinea nigra as a keratomycosis, thus noting its fungal etiology. | Rippon | Causation | Fungi | Details |
1891 | Councilman | With Lafleur, described the detailed pathogenesis of dysentery and liver abscess caused by Entamoeba histolytica. | Foster | Causation | Protozoa | Details |
1891 | Ehrlich | a. Reported methylene blue effective against malaria in humans. | Lechevalier | Miscellany | Protozoa | Details |
1891 | Ehrlich | b. Distinguished between active and passive immunization. | Anon. | Immunology | General | Details |
1891 | Ehrlich | c. Showed that even plant poisons elicit antitoxins. | Anon. | Immunology | General | Details |
1891 | Geissler | With Wernicke, allegedly treated a diphtheria patient with antiserum (successfully). | Collard | Immunology | Bacteria | Details |
1891 | Klemperer | Reported the production of a pneumococcal antiserum in rabbits and its trial in six humans. | Anon. | Immunology | Bacteria | Details |
1891 | Koch | Publlished hitherto secret compositon of tuberculin. | Brock | Immunology | Bacteria | Details |
1891 | Lister | Arranged a symposium on bacterial immunity. | Foster | Immunology | Bacteria | Details |
1891 | Tizzoni | With Cattani, described tetanus antitoxin as a substance, and introduced term antitossina (= antitoxin). | Bibel | Immunology | Bacteria | Details |
1891 | Wertheim | Conclusively confirmed Neisser's gonococcus as agent of gonorrhea, and infected five men experimentally. | Foster | Causation | Bacteria | Details |
1891 | Wolff | With Isreal, grew fungus of actinomycosis. | Bullock | Causation | Fungi | Details |
1892 | Anon. | Diphtheria antitoxin was first produced on a commercial scale (in Germany). | Anon. | Immunology | Bacteria | Details |
1892 | Anon. | Eradicated bovine pleuropneumonia in U.S.A. | Malone | Miscellany | Bacteria | Details |
1892 | Behring | Reported, with Wernicke, the ability of antitoxin to treat diphtheria in lab animals. | Brock | Immunology | Bacteria | Details |
1892 | Doderlein | Described Doderlein bacillus in vaginal secretions in cases of puerperal fever. | Lee | Miscellany | Bacteria | Details |
1892 | Flick | Started Pennsylvania Society for the Prevention of Tuberculosis. | Chowder | Miscellany | Bacteria | Details |
1892 | Iwanowski | Reported that sap of plant with tobacco mosaic disease was infective even after bacteriological filtration. | Lechevalier | Causation | Viruses | Details |
1892 | Koch | Demonstrated the value of water filtration in the control of cholera. | Brock | Miscellany | Bacteria | Details |
1892 | Pettenkofer | Swallowed cholera bacteria in attempt to show that it was not a sufficient cause of disease. | Magner | Causation | Bacteria | Details |
1892 | Pfeiffer | Isolated Hemophilus influenza (an agent of bacterial pneumonia). | Garrison | Causation | Bacteria | Details |
1892 | Posadas | Discovered agent of coccidiodomycocis, later named Coccidoides immitis. | Lee | Causation | Fungi | Details |
1892 | Roux | With Nocard, began production of diphtheria antitoxin. | Lechevalier | Immunology | Bacteria | Details |
1892 | Sabouraud | Published first of his historic studies on dermatophytes as agents of ringworm. | Ainsworth | Causation | Fungi | Details |
1892 | Smith | With Kilborne, published note on a microbial disease transmitted by arthropods. | Katz | Causation | Protozoa | Details |
1892 | Unna | Described the different fungi of favus. | Norman | Causation | Fungi | Details |
1892 | Welch | Reported discovery of the bacterial agent of gas gangrene. | Ackermann | Causation | Bacteria | Details |
1892 | Wurtz | Used pH indicators in bacteriological media. | Anon. | Miscellany | General | Details |
1893 | Behring | Developed, with Ehrlich's help, a practical and effective antitoxin for diphtheria. | Brock | Immunology | Bacteria | Details |
1893 | Berg | Reported association between scarlet fever and streptococci and toxin. | Foster | Causation | Bacteria | Details |
1893 | Buchner | Reported that serum does not kill bacteria if it is heated to 56°C. | Silverstein | Immunology | Bacteria | Details |
1893 | Escherich | Contributed to the development of a serological test for diphtheria. | Friedmann | Immunology | Bacteria | Details |
1893 | Haffkine | Used an attenuated vaccine to control cholera in India. | Bibel | Immunology | Bacteria | Details |
1893 | Kohler | Reported improved method of illumination for use in photomicrography. | Anon. | Microscopy | General | Details |
1893 | Leuckart | Reported (per Manson) the presence of adult worms (Onchocerca) in subcutaneous nodules of human. | Grove | Causation | Helminths | Details |
1893 | Smith | Reported a bacillus (later Erwinia) tracheiphilus) as cause of wilt disease in cucumbers. | Anon. | Causation | Bacteria | Details |
1893 | Smith | With Kilborne, issued classic report on Texas Cattle Fever (babesiosis) including vector transmission. | Foster | Causation | Protozoa | Details |
1894 | Anon. | Built first cattle dipping vat in USA, for control of mites and, later, the tick vector of protozoan parasite. | Malone | Miscellany | Protozoa | Details |
1894 | Busse | Reported isolation of a yeast (later Cryptococcus) from patient. | Anon. | Causation | Fungi | Details |
1894 | Durham | With Grunbaum, discovered agglutination of Eberth-Gaffky bacilli only in serum of typhoid patients, supporting the alleged causation of typhoid by the bacilli. | Waller | Causation | Bacteria | Details |
1894 | Ermengem | Discovered Bacillus botulinus, agent of botulism. | Ackerknecht | Causation | Bacteria | Details |
1894 | Fischer | Showed that bacteria have a cell wall as well as a cell membrane. | Anon. | Miscellany | Bacteria | Details |
1894 | Gilchrist | Reported a new skin disease caused by a yeast, later named Blastomyces dermatididis. | Garrison | Causation | Fungi | Details |
1894 | Gruber | Observed, according to his own later account, the agglutination of cholera germs by antiserum. | Lechevalier | Immunology | Bacteria | Details |
1894 | Kitasato | Isolated bacterial agent of plague (Yersinia pestis). | Ackerknecht | Causation | Bacteria | Details |
1894 | Manson | Published theory of malaria transmission by mosquito. | Kean | Miscellany | Protozoa | Details |
1894 | Migula | Published important new classification of bacteria, but used only morphological characteristics (and motility). | Garrison | Miscellany | Bacteria | Details |
1894 | Pfeiffer | Eucidated action of complement and antibody in cell lysis. | Bellanti | Immunology | Bacteria | Details |
1894 | Pfeiffer | With Isayev, reported that cholera germs die in peritoneal cavity of immune, but not in normal, guinea-pig. | Norman | Immunology | Bacteria | Details |
1894 | Roux | Issued influential report on diphtheria antitoxin. | Anon. | Immunology | Bacteria | Details |
1894 | Roux | With Martin, started producing antitoxin by immunizing horses instead of guinea pigs or sheep. | Anon. | Immunology | Bacteria | Details |
1894 | Vincent | Described organism in lesions of Madura Foot. | Anon. | Causation | Fungi | Details |
1894 | Yersin | Reported bacillus responsible for plague (Yersinia pestis). | Lechevalier | Causation | Bacteria | Details |
1895 | Anon. | Diphtheria antitoxin was used strategically on a community basis. | Anon. | Immunology | Bacteria | Details |
1895 | Bordet | Reported discovery of complement. | Brock (1961) | Immunology | Bacteria | Details |
1895 | Bruce | Reported the tsetse fly as vector of the trypanosome that causes nagana in horses. | Foster | Causation | Bacteria | Details |
1895 | Danielssen | Continued to believe, until his death in this year, that leprosy is hereditary. | Anon. | Miscellany | General | Details |
1895 | Denys | With Leclef, showed that serum of an immunized animal enhanced the activity of phagocytes against the germs used as immunogens. | Anon. | Immunology | Bacteria | Details |
1895 | Jager | Confirmed the presence of Diplococcus in meningitis. | Anon. | Causation | Bacteria | Details |
1895 | Kleberg | Began dipping cattle in phenolic baths to eradicate tick vector of bovine babesiosis. | Roncalli | Miscellany | Protozoa | Details |
1895 | Marmorek | Reported the production of a streptococcal antiserum in horses. | Anon. | Immunology | Bacteria | Details |
1895 | Metchnikoff | Reported the clumping of cholera germs when guinea-pig exudate was added to cholera-immune serum in which germs were present. | Lechevalier | Immunology | Bacteria | Details |
1895 | Smith | Reported causative agent of infectious enterohepatitis (Blackhead) in turkeys. | Katz | Causation | Protozoa | Details |
1896 | Curtice | Proposed program for eradication of tick vector of cattle babesiosis. | Roncalli | Miscellany | Protozoa | Details |
1896 | Dibdin | With Schweder, devised sewage treatment by filtration. | Garrison | Miscellany | General | Details |
1896 | Durham | Published note on agglutination of germs by antisera and its diagnostic potential. | Lechevalier | Immunology | Bacteria | Details |
1896 | Gosio | Reported product of Penicillium with antibacterial properties. | Anon. | Miscellany | General | Details |
1896 | Hankin | Postulated a living entity (bacteriophage?) capable of blocking infectivity of cholera germs. | MacGregor | Miscellany | Viruses | Details |
1896 | Heubner | Confirmed the presence of Diplococcus in meningitis. | Anon. | Causation | Bacteria | Details |
1896 | Lehman | With Neumann, published major new classification of bacteria. | Anon. | Miscellany | Bacteria | Details |
1896 | Mikulicz | Devised gauze mask to cover surgeon's nose and mouth to protect patient from germs. | Richardson | Miscellany | General | Details |
1896 | Morax | Described Morax-Axenfeld bacillus as cause of angular conjunctivitis in human. | Lee | Causation | Bacteria | Details |
1896 | Smith | Reported bacterial causation of tomato brown rot. | Anon. | Causation | Bacteria | Details |
1896 | Washbourn | Reported exploratory trials of a pneumococcal antiserum in two cases of lobar pneumonia. | Anon. | Immunology | Bacteria | Details |
1896 | Widal | Described an agglutination test for the clinical diagnosis of typhoid fever. | Lechevalier | Immunology | Bacteria | Details |
1896 | Wright | Conducted research on a vaccine against typhoid fever. | Garrison | Immunology | Bacteria | Details |
1897 | Bang | Reported the isolation of a small bacterium from the uterus of a cow during an outbreak of epizootic (contagious) abortion. | Anon. | Causation | Bacteria | Details |
1897 | Calmette | Began collaboration with Guerin that led to BCG vaccine for tuberculosis. | Lechevalier | Immunology | Bacteria | Details |
1897 | Durham | Published full account of the use of specific agglutination to identify specific bacteria, and to diagnose diseases using patient serum. | Lechevalier | Immunology | Bacteria | Details |
1897 | Ehrlich | Published procedures for standardization of diphtheria antitoxin, and proposed a new antigen-antibody theory. | Silverstein | Immunology | Bacteria | Details |
1897 | Haffkine | Tested a killed-bacterium vaccine for the prevention of plague. | Foster | Immunology | Bacteria | Details |
1897 | Kraus | Reported precipitation when immune serum was added to culture of homologous bacteria. | Silverstein | Immunology | Bacteria | Details |
1897 | Kronig | With Paul, published landmark work on disinfectants. | Brock (1961) | Miscellany | Bacteria | Details |
1897 | MacCullum | Described sexual phase in life-cycle of human and avian malaria. | Bruce-Chwatt | Miscellany | Protozoa | Details |
1897 | Ogata | With Simond, showed that flea was vector of plague. | Lee | Miscellany | Bacteria | Details |
1897 | Pfeiffer | Reported killed-bacteria vaccine for typhoid fever, just one year after Wright's vaccine. | Lechevalier | Immunology | Bacteria | Details |
1897 | Ross | Reported observation of malaria parasite in mosquito that had been fed on an infected human. | Foster | Miscellany | Protozoa | Details |
1897 | Smith | Reported bacterial causation of black rot of cabbage, and bean blight. | Anon. | Causation | Bacteria | Details |
1897 | Triboulet | Isolated streptococci from patients with acute rheumatism. | Lee | Miscellany | Bacteria | Details |
1897 | Wright | Used heat-killed typhoid bacilli to vaccinate people against typhoid fever. | Garrison | Immunology | Bacteria | Details |
1898 | Arloing | Introduced seroagglutination test for diagnosis of tuberculosis. | Lee | Immunology | Bacteria | Details |
1898 | Beijerinck | a. Published ground-breaking report on infectivity of agent of Tobacco Mosaic Disease after bacteriological filtration. | Waterson | Causation | Viruses | Details |
1898 | Beijerinck | b. Suggested a link between virus and cancer. | Anon. | Miscellany | Viruses | Details |
1898 | Belfanti | With Carbone, reported immune hemolysis. | Silverstein | Immunology | Bacteria | Details |
1898 | Bignami | With others, described life cycle of malaria parasites in humans and mosquitoes. | Foster | Miscellany | Protozoa | Details |
1898 | Bordet | Reported immunological lysis of erythrocytes. | Bibel | Immunology | General | Details |
1898 | Councilman | With colleagues, published major report on cerebro-spinal meningitis. | Anon. | Causation | Bacteria | Details |
1898 | Durham | a. Reported results of investigating outbreaks of "meat poisoning." | Anon. | Causation | Bacteria | Details |
1898 | Durham | b. Introduced tubes that could be placed inside test tubes to measure gas produced by bacteria. | Anon. | Miscellany | Bacteria | Details |
1898 | Koch | Described Theileria parva, agent of East Coast Fever in cattle. | Anon. | Causation | Protozoa | Details |
1898 | Loeffler | With Frosch, reported filterable germ (virus) as agent of animal disease. | Brock | Causation | Viruses | Details |
1898 | Loos | Reported that hookworm infect host by larval penetration of skin. | Grove | Causation | Helminths | Details |
1898 | Nocard | Reported that bovine pleuro-pneumonia was caused by a filterable agent, now Mycoplasma mycoides. | Garrison | Causation | Bacteria | Details |
1898 | Pfeiffer | With Marx, reported first evidence that antibodies are produced in particular organs. | Anon. | Immunology | General | Details |
1898 | Ross | Reported (per Manson) transmission of bird malaria from mosquito to bird and bird to mosquito. | Foster | Miscellany | Protozoa | Details |
1898 | Schenck | Reported a fungus (resembling a "sporotricha") in a human disease later termed sporotrichosis. | Garrison | Causation | Fungi | Details |
1898 | Shiga | Reported bacillus as agent of dysentery, naming it Bacillus dysenteriae (now Shigella). | Lechevalier | Causation | Bacteria | Details |
1898 | Simond | Demonstrated transmission of bubonic plague by flea. | Garrison | Miscellany | Bacteria | Details |
1898 | Smith | Reported bacterial causation of maize wilt. | Anon. | Causation | Bacteria | Details |
1898 | Smith | Showed that human and bovine tubercle bacilli were different strains of the same organism. | Lechevalier | Miscellany | Bacteria | Details |
1898 | Vincent | Found spirochaete in throat of patients with what was later called Vincent's Angina. | Garrison | Miscellany | Bacteria | Details |
1899 | Anon. | Reported an outbreak of microbial "meat poisoning" (salmonellosis) in Belgium. | Anon. | Causation | Bacteria | Details |
1899 | Anon. | Reported the start of a war that would, for last time, have more germ-caused than bullet-caused casualties. | McNeill | Miscellany | General | Details |
1899 | Bancroft | Suggested transmission of filariasis by bite of mosquito. | Grove | Miscellany | Helminths | Details |
1899 | Celli | Obtained evidence that malaria could be prevented by keeping mosquitos out of dwellings. | Foster | Miscellany | Protozoa | Details |
1899 | Deutsch | Reported that removal of spleen of guinea pigs reduced the level of antibodies in blood. | Anon. | Immunology | Bacteria | Details |
1899 | Emmerich | With Low, used by-product of bacterium (Pseudomonas) in attempt to alleviate diphtheria by immune enhancement. | Collard | Immunology | Bacteria | Details |
1899 | Grassi | With Bignami, reported that human malarial parasistes develop only in Anopheles mosquito. | Garrison | Miscellany | Protozoa | Details |
1899 | Rogers | Showed that tabanid fly was vector of trypanosomiasis (surra) in horses. | Foster | Causation | Protozoa | Details |
1899 | Smith | Reviewed the literature on bacterial diseases of plants. | Doetsch | Causation | Bacteria | Details |
1900 | Anon. | The causative agents of 9 human microbial diseases were known. | Anon. | Causation | General | Details |
1900 | Durham | Reviewed pathogenic and commensal enteric bacteria. | Anon. | Miscellany | Bacteria | Details |
1900 | Ehrlich | Revised the theoretical basis of immuno-serology. | Anon. | Immunology | General | Details |
1900 | Hekton | With Perkins, reported isolation of a fungus from a lesion on a human finger. | Anon. | Causation | Fungi | Details |
1900 | Hunter | Introduced (or popularized) gauze face-mask to minimize wound infection in surgery.. | Anon. | Miscellany | General | Details |
1900 | MacConkey | Published first solid differential medium for microbiology. | Anon. | Miscellany | General | Details |
1900 | Manson | Arranged two demonstrations of the role of anopheline mosquito in malarial transmission. | Foster | Miscellany | Protozoa | Details |
1900 | Neuberg | Reported that yeast ferments glucose to make ethanol in a series of biochemical steps. | Anon. | Miscellany | General | Details |
1900 | Reed | Headed the commission that demonstrated the correctness of Finlay's hypothesis that mosquito was vector of Yellow Fever. | Lechevalier | Causation | Viruses | Details |
1900 | Reed | With Vaughan and Shakespeare, reported that people may harbor, and disseminate, the bacillus of typhoid fever without themselves becoming ill. | Cirillo | Miscellany | Bacteria | Details |
1900 | Schottmueller | Introduced the name Bacillus paratyphosus (later Salmonella paratyphi). | Anon. | Miscellany | Bacteria | Details |
1900 | Wright | Began to investigate the use of bacterial vaccines, not for prevention, but for cure. | Foster | Immunology | Bacteria | Details |